You make some important points, @kosiii. Women really should have a choice as to whether they want to be mothers. Those who do not love being in that role do not tend to be good at it, so why force them into it? Equality issues are everywhere in the world, but in some cultures it is more challenging than others for women to feel they have a say in their own destiny.
All that said, we'd like to remind you of a few things. The Ink Well is for short stories. Short stories can be fictional stories which are made up from your imagination, or "creative nonfiction" stories (see this article for guidance. We do not accept general essays on life.
Additionally, we expect everyone who posts in The Ink Well to engage in the community be reading and commenting on the work of at least two other writers for each story posted in the community. Please be sure to read our community rules, which are posted at the top of The Ink Well community home page.
Thank you.
I’ll adhere to the corrections.