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RE: The Love She missed

in The Ink Well11 months ago

You introduce conflict but need a stronger resolution. Given Alice's parents relationship, it feels unlikely that one comment on how they are affecting their child will have such an impact as to lead to them having a happy family going forward. Your piece would shine more if it exhibited more of the characteristics of good fiction eg: A good hook to draw the reader's attention, dialogue to drive the story forward, a strong character arc where we see a character grow over the course of the story. Presentation would be improved through the use of paragraphs to separate out scenes, and readability would improve substantially if you used an online editor to edit your work before publishing. This would identify spelling errors, as well as issues with punctuation and sentence construction. Ink Well resources were shared with you on your first submission. We highly recommend that you read these as they will help you to develop as a writer and give you the opportunity to earn higher curation on your stories.


Thank You inkwell. I'll go through the articles and try to improve in this regards