here) or the free version of Grammarly.@marynn, please take the time to proofread your stories before posting them. We don't expect perfection, but all of our long-time community members have been told many times that there are resources for checking and fixing errors, including Google Docs (a free online Google app described
Without doing that, you present a story that is laden with errors, which makes it difficult to read. Here is a screen shot from Google Docs showing the errors in the first paragraph. The underlined items indicate an error. In the first instance it is the wrong word. The second instance there is something missing. It makes no sense.
You are a promising writer. You have a creative mind and storytelling skills. But these errors mar the quality of your writing. And they are so easy to fix with the tools we have recommended over and over again. We will not curate this story in the current state.
Thank you so much for your feedback, your words mean so much to me. I've been using Goggle Docs to enhance the quality of my story and I'm sincerely sorry for not following through this time. I understand the essence of consistently employing this tool to ensure error-free content.
I won't let this slip through my mind next time . I have corrected the errors, and I'm grateful that you pointed them out. Thank you once again for helping me grow as a writer. I'm grateful.
Thank you for making those corrections, @marynn. The opening to your story is much easier to read now. The story is sweet. It shows that grief and loss are always mitigated by the gifts of life, including family and good friends. Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.
Thank you very much for your good words, I'm glad the corrections improved the readability of my story. My apologies once again for the difficulty the initial errors caused.
That's true, the support of loved ones and friends can help ease pains.
I'm grateful for the privilege to share my story in this welcoming community and I value the sense of connection and learning from others' works. Your words of encouragement and support mean so much to me. Thank you once again.