@oyebolu, we have a few important comments for you. The first one is that your image source is missing. All images must come from copyright-free sources, and you must provide a link to the source.
The second comment is that we ask writers not to publish stories in The Ink Well involving rape or brutality. While the actual incident doesn't occur in the story, we would ask that you simply remove the mention.
Additionally, our recommendation is that you use a one of the tools available to you to identify and fix errors in your writing before you publish in The Ink Well. We ask this of everyone who publishes in our community, as we encourage attention to quality. You can use Google Docs to draft your stories, as we describe in this article, or check them using the free Grammarly tool. (Just don't use it to rephrase your content, as this will result in it being detected as AI.)
Thank you for engaging in the community by reading and commenting on the work of another community member. But as a final note, we expect everyone who publishes in The Ink Well to comment on at least two stories for each one published in the community.
Thank you. We will curate your story once you have fixed the image issue and the mention of rape.