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RE: Summer's Sister

in The Ink Well2 months ago

An interesting story that grabbed me from the start. I loved how you used the descriptions of Summer's apartment to show us so much of her personality and character. It points to neurodiversity. Summer is worried that Russel's feelings for her may have changed but then you carry the theme through and show us how much he cares about her through his choice of restaurant, the design of which mirrors Summer's home in minimalism. I would have preferred for the ending not to have mentioned candy as this felt like it made light of what had happened; that a candy trade-off would make everything better, when in fact Autumn had betrayed Summer's trust. Also this sentence implies that either one of Russell or Autumn could have stopped things but Russel had no idea he was with Autumn so it doesn't feel like a good fit given the context:

He told me you were the one to set things straight.

On the whole a thoroughly enjoyable read, @restcity.


I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Thanks for the feedback!