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RE: Solo Soul

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hi @riazud. Thanks for joining The Ink Well. We have some feedback for you.

In The Ink Well, we are all about quality and engagement. Please be sure to read our community rules, which you can find at the top of The Ink Well home page.

We ask everyone who publishes in The Ink Well to read and comment on the work of at least two other community members for each story published.

We are a short story community, and all posts should be tagged as #fiction if they are made up or #creativenonfiction if they are real life stories. You can learn more about the creative nonfiction genre in our weekly creative nonfiction contest. The latest contest is always pinned to the top of the community.

You have tagged this as #fiction, which means you invented this story and it is not a real-life story. Is that right?

Some additional feedback is that it's important to write clear and sensible sentences that the reader can follow. If you read through the following paragraph with fresh eyes, you might find that it will not make sense to a lot of readers.

But he didn't feel comfy to stay in the place so anyhow he came out of the place by putting an excuse to them that you take your sister for tonight but I had to go for an emergency. Yes, It was a love marriage and while chatting with him I felt his face was a bit dull and he was just looking at his phone though I didn't know the issue. Suddenly he picked up his phone in his hand to text someone and he started typing something on the keyboard. At a time he got the same text from her that he was typing to send. Damn! How strange it was! By delighting he had been presenting the incident.

We hope this feedback helps you to get to know our community and our rules, and that it inspires you to keep developing your writing craft.


Thanks for your corrective comment and I am going to the front page of the community to acquainted With the rules.