Hi @saraiwoman. Thank you for joining The Ink Well, but we must caution you that we do not accept AI-generated stories. Before posting again in The Ink Well, please read our community rules at the top of The Ink Well home page.
Additionally, we recommend reading our writing tips in our catalog of fiction writing tips.
And finally, we ask the following of every writer who publishes in The Ink Well:
- Please publish an introduction post telling the Hive community about you, your interests and what brought you to the platform. This is a Hive best practice.
- Please write stories of a minimum of 350 words. We prefer a minimum of 750 words, as it is rarely possible to provide a story that includes character development and a strong story arc in a shorter story.
- Please read and comment on the work of at least two other community members for each story you post in The Ink Well.
Note that authors who do not follow our community rules and guidelines will not be curated, and may be downvoted or muted in The Ink Well community.