Beautiful story, @strangegravy. It is very well-crafted, with many great touches to put the reader right there in the room with the boy and his dad, bringing their creation to life. When it comes to the larger reality they are dealing with — government intelligence? — you provide just enough information so that we know Adam is part of a complex situation, which is about as much as Ben would understand. Really well done!
Thanks for posting in The Ink Well, and for engaging with other writers in the community. We expect all writers to comment on at least two other writers' work for each story posted. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate this platform you've provided - I'm loving the prompts and pushing myself to make the deadline!
Edit - I try comment on at least two other stories straightaway if I can and then search through for more gems after. I love seeing all the different directions other writers take the prompt.