You have written a wonderful story. The seed of suspicion is planted early: why would an elderly couple want to visit a New Age store? Nice coin trick, also :)
You write with a light touch and keep the narrative flowing smoothly. This is an entertaining interpretation of the prompt.
Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community. Please be sure to read the work of other writers in the community and share comments with them. We are urging everyone who posts in The Ink Well to take this step, going forward, to ensure our community members are supporting one another. (We also have this in The Ink Well community rules on our home page and in our weekly writing prompts.) Thank you!
Thank you, I am honored that you like my work :) It's so refreshing to have feedback and interaction :) Do you by any chance know of a community that allows series and also has a good level of engagement? I have one that is mostly set in the Amazon, but after a few episodes readership fizzled out. So it's on hold until I can find a good home for it.
Yes, we needed that seed of suspicion, to build some suspense :) .... Thanks again for the feedback and kind words :)