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RE: Breaking Point.

in The Ink Well11 months ago

hello @zyzymena. I'm so sorry you had to endure such an awful ordeal at a relatively young age. Having said that, while we understand why you have included full details of your experience at the hands of Stanley, we point you to our community rules and remind you that there is no place for depictions of violence and aggression towards women in The Ink Well. We are therefore unable to curate this piece unless you edit out all mentions of threats of violence, actual violence, and menacing behaviour from your story. Your story will still be quite effective without it. Thank you. The Ink Well team.


Thank you so much @theinkwell the story has been edited. I'm sorry for breaking that part of the rule. It was unintentional.

Thank you Zyzy. Your piece was well structured and developed. Stanley's dismissal of your feelings and lack of respect for you was palpable. His narcissistic behaviour was deplorable. Your piece has now been curated by The Ink Well.

Thank you very much