
some nice pics

Nice prompt, let me put my heads together and come up with something interesting.

Thanks for the mention, you don't know how happy everything you've written about my story makes me.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

“I hope the English translation keeps the magic.”

Yes. That's another thing I always try to do. The translation process is hard work. I search among many translators for the best way to keep the magic. Maybe I need to read books in English to be able to understand English literature a little more.

@jadams2k18, what translation tool do you use?

Mostly I use deepl, but depending on the translation I also use Google Translator and for colloquial expressions I use I also take advantage of deepl's smart option called DeepL Write, which allows me to see if sentences make better sense and for grammar I use Grammarly. That's why I say that the translation is arduous, since I try to express the substance of what I want to express in Spanish.😄👍

I can’t wait to start cooking something good 😊

Very interesting.

Thank you very much for your selection, friends, and congratulations to the others selected.
Here is my participation this week. Thank you

Thank you Inkwell. These week’s stories were so amazing I tell you.

What an interesting prompt for the week. My head is already spinning. Hehe.

Here's my entry:

I dropped comments on the works of @nancybriti1 and @zerah

Congratulations to those selected!

Excellent night.

Another week has ended and new featured authors have been chosen. My congratulations to everyone for their great performance in the call of the week. A round of applause.

I leave you with Rincón Poético's participation in the weekly call.

First of all, congratulations to the winners.

My publication link that I am participating with in this case is:
I would also like to congratulate again @nancybriti1 @amarachi22 @samiwrites @oyebolu @rinconpoetico7 @young-tari @perfect20 @hamez For its great stories.

Here's my participation for this week's prompt

Supported @hamez and @amarachi22

Congratulations to all the selected authors. My participation for the week:

Supported @nancybriti1, @jennyzee1 and others.