in The Ink Well2 years ago


"Little wonder why I've been having this troubled feeling since the early hours of today; if only I had paid attention to that urge maybe this wouldn't have happened".

Kim was filled with regrets and pain all at once. She regretted not staying back at home despite feeling uneasy about going out. She was also filled with pain from the injuries she sustained when the collision happened.

A truck carrying some goods which was being driven by an impatient driver ran into the cab Kim boarded. She was heading to the market to buy some supplies for a cake she needed to bake and the only way to get to the market was by using a cab.

Kim had woken up that morning with a troubling feeling which made her uneasy but she couldn't explain what was wrong.
The accident now explains everything to her.
"Little wonder why I've been having this troubled feeling since the early hours of today; if only I had paid attention to that urge maybe this wouldn't have happened".

These were her last thoughts.She was loosing blood already and needed to get to the hospital urgently. Hallucinations followed almost immediately and Kim passed out while inside the car; she lost consciousness.



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