"Please go in my place for the blind date, I do not want to get married yet"
"Are you insane, why would I want to go on a blind date in your place? I’m not ready for marriage either, so please don't suggest a thing like that to me"
Janet and Isabelle argued.
Janet was from a stupendously wealthy family, she was being coerced by her parents into getting married and had kept arranging blind dates for her.
This time around they had arranged another blind date, for the umpteenth time, for Janet, but she was not interested in anything marriage. She thought of a ridiculous plan—to ask her friend Isabelle to go in her place, but with her Identity. Isabelle on the other hand was from a middle-class family, and was not considering marriage any time soon.
It was a gloomy morning, Isabelle had gotten to her office unusually early, hung her bag on the stand and went to the coffee machine to get an Americano coffee—her favorite. She sat on the chair to sip her coffee while admiring the explosion of beautiful and colorful flowers through her window. Halfway through, someone barged into her office.
"Isabelle, can you imagine? My parents are so unbelievable!" Janet was so pissed.
"What is the problem Janet?"
"My parents arranged another blind date, will this ever stop?"
"That is so exhausting! I guess they won’t stop until they have your wedding date"
"Maybe…..or I might have a way out" Janet said with a smirk on her face.
"What is that smirk for? Hope there are no naughty ideas in that small head of yours?"
"Please go in my place for the blind date, I do not want to get married yet"
"Are you insane, why would I go on a blind date in your place? I’m not ready for marriage too, so let me be"
"Just go in my place, pretend to be me and discourage the suitor from marrying me, give him all the right reasons to scram. You know, you’ve got more nerves than I've got."
"C’mon love, I’ll reward you handsomely if you just do me this tiny favour" Janet pleaded again and again.
"Tiny favour you call it?, sheeeesh! Alright send the money, I’ll get the job done. Now can you please leave, so I can get some work done?" She finished rolling her eyes.
Janet jumped on Isabelle, giving her pecks all over in appreciation.
"I’ll take my leave, see you later". Janet said as she walked out of the office with a springy step, brimming with pure excitement; while Isabelle watched in utter disbelief.
The day came, Isabelle got to the restaurant to meet the date while "she" acted as Janet. Owen had a charisma that could not go unnoticed, his outfit gave him the look of a young and humble, yet influential young man. Isabelle marveled at the beautiful man that sat right in front her, she could not help but gawk at him.
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Owen started the conversation, he was meticulous and a real gentle man..Isabelle was falling off track from the initial plan but reminded herself that she had to get this done and over with by staying on track. She did and said things to put Owen off, in an attempt to make him dislike her, but the more she tried, the more Owen became besotted with her, still taking her to be Janet.
Eventually Owen fell in love with Isabelle.
"We will get married, no matter what you do or say to discourage me, I will get married to you" Owen said with a firm yet soft voice.
"No, I will not marry you. I don’t like you, you are not the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with"
"I’m requesting you go on a date with me, just three more times. If you are still fixed on not getting married to me, I’ll let you be". Owen replied.
Isabelle struck with surprise and too stunned to speak at his request, ran out of the restaurant.
"Despite all the naughty things I have said and done to discourage him, why is he still bent on a marriage?" Isabelle thought— no no, this can't happen, It was a mission impossible.
She narrated her ordeal to Janet. What was the way forward? They hit a mental wall.
Isabelle decided to go ahead with going on the three dates with Owen, hoping to finish what she has started and ending it finally with him. Meanwhile, Owen effortlessly did things and behaved in ways that made Isabelle fall irrevocably in love with him. The thing was running too deep and she was very uncomfortable.
At the expiration of the three dates, Isabelle knew she had lost the battle, love had won! Instead of ending things finally with Owen, she ended up closer to her one true love.
They began dating with their love waxing stronger and stronger.
Janet was so happy for Isabelle, she was not interested in Owen one bit and so gave her blessings to her friend.
It was in the month of May that Owen proposed to Isabelle, beneath the canopy of cherry blossoms.
He confessed his undying love with an engagement ring packed with the fresh petals of perfumed roses.
It was a Spring to Remember
Thank you very much for your continuous support 🙏
I was shocked
Do we still have parents in this our present age who organise blind date?
Lol 😂 I’m afraid so.
Thank you
Owen is a serious man and a man who’s for you will surely stay. Even though she had not been the best lady, he still stood by her
Yes, thank you!