The New Star Girl

in The Ink Well10 months ago (edited)

I could feel the stares as Blessing walked into our classroom for the first time. The new transfer student from Benue State had arrived, and the whispers were already starting to spread.


"That's her, that's Blessing," Dammy leaned over and told me. "Remember I told you about her? She was brilliant back in elementary school."

I felt a knot form in my stomach. For the last two years, I had reigned as the top female student and star pupil of JSS1. I worked tirelessly, stayed up late reading and preparing for exams. Being the best was a source of pride and validation for me.

And now this new girl threatened to take that all away? I eyed her cautiously as she took an empty seat towards the front. Blessing was pretty, with a bright smile and air of confidence about her. I could already see some of the boys sneaking peeks her way appreciatively.

In our first few classes together, my fears were confirmed. Whenever a question was asked, Blessing's hand shot up readily with the right answer. Her composition writing during literature class was beautifully crafted. She even solved the difficult algebra problems Mr segun posted on the board before anyone else could.

"She's just showing off," I muttered under my breath. But a part of me felt threatened. What if Blessing did surpass me as the top student?

Over the next few weeks, I doubled down on my studies. I waved off friends asking me to go to parties on weekends.

"No, I need to prepare for the practicals next week," I told them, my nose stuck in a textbook.

One evening, I was going over some further math equations when my mother came into the room, as I decided to lock myself away from the noise from my silbings

"Ima, you've been working so hard lately. Is everything okay at school?" she asked with a concerned look.

I let out a frustrated sigh and opened up to her about Blessing, and how she was just as smart, if not smarter. About how I was determined not to let my standing as the best student slip away.

My mother gave me a sympathetic smile. "Oh ima, I understand. But you don't have to struggle alone so much. Why don't we get you enrolled in afterschool lessons like we did for your your elder sister glory? It could give you that extra boost."

The next day, I shyly approached Blessing after our mathematics class. "Hey...I overheard you also take extracurricular lessons to get ahead. Where do you go? My parents are looking to enroll me somewhere."

Blessing looked a bit surprised, but her face softened into a friendly grin. "Oh, sure! I actually take classes at Blessed academy at that victor fagbemi street, on Saturdays. Mr. Obaro is an excellent tutor."

We struck up a conversation about the struggles of staying on top of our studies and ended up walking together after school that day, chatting and laughing like we were already friends.

Over the next few weeks, Blessing and I attended the same afterschool program and formed a sort-of study group. We helped push and motivate each other, comparing notes and quiz scores. There was a fun little rivalry between us now, an unspoken competition to see who would earn the higher marks each period.

But we were also becoming friends through our shared academic drive. I learned more about Blessing's move back to Lagos after her father's tragic passing, and the strength and resilience she found within herself to press on despite her immense grief.

As the final term exams approached, we spent late nights together at my house or at her house, quizzing each other relentlessly until we were bleary-eyed. Finally, the results were announced at a school assembly and my name was called...followed immediately by Blessing's name. We had both achieved the exact same stellar scores and unbeatable ppercentage.

The whole class erupted in cheers and applause. I turned to Blessing with a look of shock that quickly turned into laughter. We embraced tightly, friends bonded over our shared hard work and talents.

"The two star girls!" Omolola shouted from the back of the hall, and the nickname seemed to instantly stick.

After receiving our awards, Blessing leaned over and said, "You know, I'm actually really glad you pushed me so hard this term. I don't think I would have done quite as well without you as my competition and study partner."

I smiled back at my new friend. "Same here, girl. Trust me, same here."

From that day forward, Blessing and I were inseparable at school. My fear of being overshadowed was gone, and instead I had found an academic rival who became one of my closest friends and biggest motivators. It just went to show that a little competition could bring out the best in both of us.


Awww! Beautiful story.
There's a saying that iron sharpens iron. And that is what you guys did, helping each other to achieve more.
Well done ✅

Yea we did. And I really liked it , it made us best friends

Their friendly rivalry to outshine each other in earning higher scores brought an enjoyable and carefree atmosphere to their relationship. The fact that they both ended up with the top scores seemed like a suitable conclusion that acknowledged their respective efforts.

I don't know how we managed to get same score but it was kinds like a dream and the teachers said it was a coincidence and they said we deserve it for being true to our studies

The two star girls, what an amazing storytelling 🥰

Thanks for reading here

I am so glad that Instead of being envious of blessing, you took it upon yourself to work extra. You didn't allow the new challenge that came your way to break you, instead you used it to become a better individual. I love the fact that you humbled yourself to become friends with her and learned from each other.

Someone like me who doesn't like being in any sort of issue ,so teaming up with her was my best idea and it worked out

That was so nice of nice ma

Those academic rivalries can be intense. It's great that a friendship formed out of it. Nice story! Thank you for supporting other community members.

Yeah ,they are so intense but we did scale through
Thank you ♥️♥️

When we study there is always that natural instinct to surpass others, that makes us try harder and improve ourselves. You had a nice experience since your rival became your best friend.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Finally, the results were announced at a school assembly and my name was called...followed immediately by Blessing's name. We had both achieved the exact same stellar scores and unbeatable ppercentage.

Sometimes we should just initially get threatened by something or some people, but get to know them, and see how it goes. I'm glad you both formed an alliance and aced all your subjects.


I can do relate just that in my case I didn’t even bother to be friends with the girl
I genuinely didn’t care about my results because I got to know primary school results won’t do anything for me in real life


This is beautiful, nothing beats a healthy competition. See how both of the girls came together help each other excel.


Your story reminds me of my high school days, healthy competitions were one secret to excel. Thank you for sharing.

Such a wonderful friendship. This is what I pray for all children. I hope they get into a friendship with a group of people who are passionate about the same things even if competitive. Nothing pushes a childs growth more than another child as a travel partner. That's why sports is so good as people get together and push each othe naturally.

I was lucky to be in a group of friends trying their best even though we were not academically competitive. Thanks to them school days were truly a piece of cake and we did not do badly either. Even now I never get a high ego cause i know my friends who are much better than me, so i work a bit harder to be as good as them :)

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

Truly there's just a string between hatred and love and i could see it in this story.
It's an interesting one❤
