The Toast Trials

in The Ink Welllast year

"Mommm!!! The toast is burnt again!" Little Jamal came running into the kitchen, wrinkling his nose.

His mom Asha sighed, putting down her coffee mug. "What? Let me see..."

She followed Jamal back to the toaster oven, pulling out the smoking rack. Two charcoal-black pieces of bread lay there.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry sweetheart. I got distracted talking to Aunty on the phone. Here, let me make you a fresh batch."

Jamal frowned, crossing his arms. "But I wanted crunchy toast this time, not burnt yucky toast. You always mess it up!"

"Now Jamal, that's not a nice way to speak to your mother. Toasting bread to perfection is harder than it looks!" Asha flipped the dial, inserting two fresh slices of bread.

Jamal pulled a stool over, watching the toaster closely. "Well I'm gonna learn so I can make it right every time. Crunchy golden brown, just how I like it."

A few minutes passed in tense stillness, and the aroma of fresh toast began to float across the air. Asha swiftly buttered the steaming pieces and slipped them onto a platter.


"Here you go, nice hot toast! With your favorite strawberry jam too."

Jamal picked up a slice, eyeing it skeptically. He took a small bite, chewing slowly. After a few seconds, his eyes widened in delight.

"Mom! You did it! This is perfecto toast!" he exclaimed through a mouthful of crumbs. "How'd you finally get it so scrumptious?"

Asha laughed. "Well, I made sure to pay very close attention this time instead of getting distracted."

"That's it! That's the key , you gotta keep your eyes on the prize. On the toast!" Jamal took another big bite, grinning from ear to ear.

From that day on, Jamal became obsessed with mastering the art of toast making himself. Every morning, he insisted on being the one to load and monitor the toaster oven. His technology-loving dad rigged up a little camera system so he could watch the browning process up close on the kitchen TV.

Some days, he drove his parents crazy summoning them for constant toast inspections. "Mom! Dad! Come look ,is THIS the perfect level of crunchy yet??"

Other days, the smoke alarms would go off as Jamal misjudged the appropriate shade of "golden delicious" browning. But he was determined to get it right through trial and error.

Pretty soon, Jamal developed his own scientific system for achieving premium toast perfection. He'd track variables like slice thickness, oven rack height, temperature settings and cook times in a special log book. He gave his parents very specific instructions for slicing the bread at the prescribed measurements.

"Okay Mom, I need you to cut two slices precisely 7/8 of an inch thick from the Honey Wheat loaf. Set them on the rack at a 12 degree angle for optimal crisping."

"Geez, all this just for some toast! You're putting more effort into this than your homework young man," his dad would tease.

Saturdays were Toast Experiment Hour, when Jamal would spend literally hours testing his latest theories on variables like butter application and jam temperature's effects on final results. His parents fondly watched their scientific son obsessing over bread in the toaster.

"You know Jamal, with all this research and dedication, I bet you could start a whole Toast Bakery someday!" Asha joked one day. That's when the lightbulb went off for Jamal.

His eyes widened, a big grin creeping across his face. "'re right! Why just be the master of our household toaster? I could take my perfected system and use it to create the most delicious artisanal toast for the world!"

From there, Jamal's Toast Bakery mission became an all-consuming priority. He started experimenting with specialty bread loaves and gourmet toppings beyond just butter and jam. Churro toast with cinnamon sugar, avocado hummus toast, even cream cheese and smoked salmon lox on an everything bagel bread were just a few creations.

His dad helped him design the ultimate high-tech toaster conveyor system for high-output toasting. Jamal calculated exact temperature adjustments based on Wisconsin's humid climate research he had done. Before long, he was selling Toast Bakery sampler boxes to neighbors for cash.

A few years later at age 16, Jamal turned his passion project into a real small business, supplying fresh artisanal toast creations to local cafes and grocers. He built a reputation for THE best toast in the Midwest, made by a true teenage toast master.

All because of one determined kid who just wanted the perfect, simplest pleasure of golden brown crunch every morning. Jamal proved that when you find your hearth's desire, even the seemingly mundane can become an extraordinary craft worth pursuing.


It’s inspiring to see Jamal's toast obsession turned into a successful business through dedication and focus, proving that even small things can lead to big opportunities.

Yeah, little curiosity can make a big invention. And that is what jamal did.
Thank you for reading through

This is such a lovely story, well crafted, @treasuree. We find ourselves eager to see what Jamal will try next, and rooting for him every step of the way! I love that you draw the reader into the story, allowing us to experience his passion for toast as if we were right there with him. This has elevated the impact of your story! Good arc and resolution to the problem of burnt toast. Nicely done!

Thank you for sharing this piece in The Ink Well.


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Lovely story

Thank you for reading

Jamal sounds like a kid with that extra bubble of energy, always trying to do something to the best of his abilities and I absolutely love kids like that. Even though they might be a handful sometimes, their extra questions gets your brain working in ways you might not have even thought of.

I know right? Hhehehe
Thanks for reading here.

Oh, my goodness, Jamal went from burnt toast complaints to becoming a toast mastermind. His passion was for getting the perfect toast turned into a full-blown toast empire. I never knew making toast could be so exciting and scientific, all thanks to Jamal ... Hehehehe

Hhhahaha jamal is a bright kid and he sorts perfection in thing, I guess you can call it that.
Thanks for stopping by

@treasuree, I see how completing your exams gave you enough time to write this impressive story. The description, I am taking a bow for you, Milady. Jamal inspires me to make conscious efforts to learn the things I love and perfect them in any way possible. Who knows, one day, I might be able to monetize it too. It's a beautiful story, ma'am.

From burnt toast to beautiful craft. Kids explore a lot and they think outside the box most times. They need to be encouraged even when they're getting it wrong at first.

It seems you know so well about toasted bread. You've said the story like a pro who knows about it already. I'm glad Jamal inquisitiveness and passion turned out to be a big project at the end

When we decide to go only for the best, that's is what we will have at the end of the day. I am so happy to see jammal's desire turned into some great. Anything is possible if we dedicate ourselves to it

I love how Jamal's passion turned into a business. It's good to monitor your children and let them explore what they want.

Love the kid's determination and dedication. Lessons that will pay off, and in fact, already have paid off with the start of his business. I'd love to have him make me some avocado toast!