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RE: The phone call

in The Ink Well2 months ago

Really? I'm surprised at this. I'm very meticulous when it comes to the use of Ai. I do use Ai for my posts but its only for punctuation errors and nothing more. If you read carefully it's a story I crafted from my teenage hood while living with my mum and siblings. Every word there is mine, I can boldly say this.

Asides from the error check, there's nothing else I do with Ai. I'm quite aware of the fact hive as a whole doesn't accept Ai and I've always, and still will abide by this rule @theinkwell

Thank you for your response.


So that we may have confidence in your writing in the future, please share the original version of the work. The AI reading was quite definitive. If we see the original we might detect where the problem lies.

Thank you.

Okay, that's not a problem. Please how do I share it or get it across??


Just add it to your post...under the current story.Writers who offer stories in other languages do this all the time.

Thank you.