Ren du Lot, the shit lawyer - Postface

in The Ink Well5 years ago

Ren du Lot, the shit lawyer - Postface


shitposting series on April 17th.@katharsisdrill started his


When he published Part VI, I had the idea of creating a parallel series, somewhat in the same universe, with the main character with a name that was an anagram of Torundel, following the same rules as @katharsisdrill.

I stole shamelessly the image of Torundel for Ren du Lot. I simply made him look to the right instead of to the left.


I also stole the separator.


Without me asking, he made the new image that is in all twelve episodes of my series.I did not tell @katharsisdrill, but I knew he would not mind. In fact, he loved the fact that I was starting some fan shitposts.

Nordlute. the shit sysadmin.After that, @steevc decide to follow suit and started his own series,

Then others started their own shitposting series: @owasco, @slobberchops, @prayzz, @donnadavisart, and maybe others.


Some explainations about the names in my series

Ren du Lot: The Lot is a river in France.

Count B: The character appears in the @katharsisdrill series. I gave him a first and last name: Geussuizain Branleur. In French, a "branleur" means a wanker but also someone who spends a significant amount of time doing nothing useful. So "Geussuizain Branleur" sounds like "Je suis un branleur", meaning either "I am a wanker" or "I am a useless person".

Arundolf: I just made up this name. It does not mean anything special.

Bettonika: A portmanteau of Betty and Veronica, the two love interests of Archie in Archie Comics.

Harchtchy: Archie himself

Duke de Piezankap: From the French expression "de pied en cap", that translates in English as "from head to toe".

Harmeh: First name of the Duke. So the full name of the Duke was "armé de pied en cap" (armed from head to toe).

Handrouzh: Middle name of Harchtchy (Archie Andrews).

The river Dale: Riverdale, the city where Archie, Betty, and Veronica live.

Dupondt: The original name of the Duke. Dupond and Dupont are the two incompetent detectives in the adventures of Tintin. In English, they are called Thomson and Thompson.

Zizi Gougou: A fictive gadget in a sketch of French comic Fernand Raynaud in the 1950s.

Fernando Ronaldo: Fernand Raynaud, approximatively in Spanish.

Wolfgang Rastapopoulos: Roberto Rastapopoulos is one of the villains in the adventures of TinTin.

Ramon Letondu: The new name of Ren du Lot. R. Letondu is another anagram of Torundel. Expect a new series "The Adventures of R. Letondu" soon.



I really didn't know about Dupond and Dupont as I only read Tintin in English. Coming up with names is not easy, but taking inspiration from other stories is a good idea.

Interesting insights!

I knew about Dupont and Dupond,and Rastapopoulos of course, but a word like branleur was new to me. Important to take note of such things when you have ambitions of learning some more French.

Thanks for the explanation. I just looked into Syldavia from a link in another piece of yours. So much more work goes into writing one of these than one might think. Top quality shitposts. I'm glad you are sticking around, unlike Ren du Lot, who flees at the first sign of trouble.