Indeed, the author or narrator is often absolved of the crimes of their characters. After all, they are simply witnesses to the event. I believe that the writer plays a role. This reminds me of one of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot mysteries where the narrator, who even assists Poirot in investigating the murder in the village turns out to be the murderer at the end. That was a superb point of view. I loved it.
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Oh yes, The Murder of Roger Aykroyd — one of my favorites, and an excellent example of an "unreliable narrator."
I was thinking about a play I saw once. I feel like it was a Sam Shepherd play. The man on stage is (as I recall) guided and spoken to by some Presence, represented by a large hand. Too many years ago to remember.
And then I also thought of a writing tip post I wrote for The Ink Well about Author Intrusion, although you turn that rule on its head, as it's not done accidentally but very intentionally, and well.