There is nothing in life that can be compared to meeting your better half; I still remember the first time we met; I'm not gonna call it love at sight, though, but it's something similar to that. The first words she said to me were still echoing in my head like the rhythm of my favorite music.
I can remember standing at the park under the scorching sun; there was no place I could take the shield because I was new, and I didn't want to miss the next vehicle that was coming. Where I stood, she walked up to me holding her luggage and asked if I was heading to the camp as well; immediately, I replied with a big yes that could spell out my name. Then she stood beside me as we waited patiently for the next vehicle, and gladly, the vehicle came sooner than expected.
So we boarded, and on our way, we started engaging in different conversations. At that moment, I knew I had built a friendship. It was time to forget about boredom at camp, and truly, she made those words come true for me. I thought our friendship was gonna end after the camping exercise was over, but unfortunately, our friendship grew. Often, I would sit back and reminisce on how she made camp fun for me; she made the whole experience worthwhile. When others were counting the lovers they brought, I was busy counting the friendships I brought home, though we are far apart physically.
After being dismissed from camp, we went our separate ways; we'd always be sure to talk to each other on the phone, and we would share everything that was happening in our offline lives together. There is this popular video on social media where best friends would just call each other for no reason: "Well, you can say our names already." That is the level our friendship grew to.
As weeks turned to months and months to a year, I started feeling a certain level of disconnection; our level of communication started dropping, and I knew we were all busy with our offline lives, so I didn't feel too bad about it. Then, one fateful day, I decided to put a call through to her, but she didn't pick up. I waited for her to see the missed call and return it, but she didn't till the day was over.
After a few hours, I decided to call back, and this time around, I'm gonna say I got lucky because she picked up.
"Hello," she said in a very low tone that I could barely hear.
"How are you doing? It's been a while," I said, trying to be the loud person that I am.
"I'm fine" she replied.
"Are you okay?" I asked with curiosity.
"I'm fine" she replied
At that moment, she was being all straightforward that I didn't know the next words to utter; words had been drained from my lips. I became mute for a while, waiting if she was gonna say something, but she didn't. So I hung up the call. After that moment, I became restless, and different thoughts started roaming in my head if I had done something wrong "or said something I shouldn't."
I hadn't seen Jessica act this way before, so I didn't know how to approach it and make things right.
"I can't believe Jessica would see my missed calls and not return any," these were the only words that I kept saying to myself, wondering what had happened to my best friend.
After a while, the feeling of returning the same energy came, and I decided to keep my cool without reaching out to her again. The more the distance, the more I missed my friendship with Jessica; the memories we had in camp started flooding my head, and I lost concentration. Hearing her voice was the only thing I was craving at this point.
I was forced within me to put down that ego of mine and reach out to Jessica. I called Jessica that evening.
'Hello" she said
"Good evening, dear; how are you doing?" I said, keeping my tone in check.
"I'm not fine," she said with her voice shaking.
"What happened?" I asked with curiosity
"I was laid off from my job," she said
At that moment I could feel Jessica had started crying.
"I couldn't tell anyone about it, all I wanted was some alone time, I just wanted to be in my shell to cry my eyes out"
"But I'm not just anyone, I'm someone you tell things to, and I'd always be here to listen"
"I know and I'm sorry I kept you in the dark"
"You know how you've persistently gotten me through all my rough patches; whenever I'm sad, you know the right words to tell to me that light my mood; wish I could return that favor."
"You are adding more fire to my mood"
"I wish I knew the right words to say that will make you feel better; since I lack those words, I'm gonna ask one question, and that is, are you feeling good now?"
"I think so and I've missed you too my favorite person"
"So video call?"
"Lets dive into it"
Jessica and I started our friendship all over after a clean sweep.
Thanks for reading 🧡
Interesting story and curiosity!
Thank you so much