The Anonymous Party

in The Ink Well3 months ago

*** Welcome to the party. Leave your fears at the door and play the game. - X*** the lit invitation bangle read.

I looked up at Sandra with her sleek red dress, wondering where she was taking me and who X was. I should have just insisted and stayed back at home in the cosy comfort of my bed.
But Sarah was hellbent on taking me to

' The party of the year'. Just as she had explained.

"Who's X by the way?" I asked as we walked into this gigantic mansion in the middle of nowhere. My curiosity spiked to know who this billionaire I'd never heard of who hosted the biggest party of the year was.

"That's where the fun is. We all know him as an anonymous billionaire" Sandra explained.

"And he just hosts parties like this? What for exactly?" I asked as we walked into a big hall in the mansion decorated with neon lights. I couldn't help but admire the artistic opulence of whoever was the architect.

"Well, he's a philanthropist, and the proceeds from his parties go to charities". Sandra answered, turning to face me.

"And you know all this, how? Have you been to this party before?" I kept asking. I couldn't tell but I had a hunch I just couldn't bring myself to understand what it was.

Sandra looked at me. Her eyes were already telling me that I was asking too much "Okay, he posts links online. Then, we send emails to these links. If you're lucky you'll be sent an invite." She paused. "And no, this is my first time. No questions again, gosh! Just have fun huh?" She added walking to the bar.

Without hesitation, I ran after her. We got to the bar and ordered cocktails. Then we leaned against the bar counter facing the dance floor.

"This is insanely rich. I mean, it's all money talking here," I muttered with my eyes scanning the room. There was a big screen in the middle of the stage that had a weird picture of a skull displayed on it. It felt like it was staring into your soul.

“I know right? Whoever the X is, he's insanely rich"

Just then, the doors of the party began to close. And when fully shut, a distorted voice came from the hidden speakers.

"Welcome, Party poppers and crashers"

Immediately, everywhere went silent.

"As we all have known. We don't just party, we okay games too. The game is about to begin. Remember, we have only one rule: Stay alive. And if you can't leave now"

I felt this big lump in my chest. Who goes to a party where you play games you have to stay alive?. I turned to Sandra

"I'm leaving with or without you" I said, my voice straight. Then I walked to the door.

"What? Wait, Lilly, the fun is only about to begin," Sandra called out to me.

"If you can read the handwriting on the wall. You'll leave with me too." I replied without looking back.

But as I got closer to the door with others. The big screen came on and displayed a video of a guest, a lady who was about to exit the building. All of a sudden she was zapped by this bright light and disappeared into thin air.

The crowd gasped.

"Oops, I forgot. Once you're in, you can't leave" the distorted voice came again with a weird laugh.

Then came the screams, cries and chaos

“What just happened?” Sandra whispered, clutching my arm.

"Stay alive", I repeated the words, scared too. I watched as people tried breaking the windows, running helter skelter, seeking for means to escape. But there was none. I checked my phone to see if I could call for help but there was no signal.

By now Sandra was shaking to the bones. I held her face close and looked into her eyes. "Please don't lose it now. We'll get out of here, trust me".

She nodded aggressively.

The chaos was getting too much. People were losing it. I shut my eyes and tried to take a deep breath, thinking of a plan. Then I looked up, scanning the house carefully. There were so many other rooms upstairs.

"We need to go upstairs. Those rooms up there should be a way out or secret rooms. They should have a loophole. Maybe a room where they're controlling all these from."

"Look!" Sandra shouted, pointing to the barman at the bar. He was trying to break through a window by the bar when his bangle suddenly lit up in red and he disappeared.

"Quick, take off your bangles and come with me," I said, pulling off my invite bangle and dragging Sandra up the stairs.

We got to the doors and checked each room carefully at the same time avoiding cameras. I was sure that our oppressor was in the same building watching us through the cameras.

***“Run all you want, players. The house sees everything.”**** the voice came again.

We were almost giving up when Sandra noticed flickers of light from what seemed to be a hidden door on the wall. She signalled to me quietly then we tiptoed to the door. Gently, we pushed it open a bit to see two hefty men seated behind a computer with masks. Watching everything happening at the party.

"What do we do?" Sandra asked, shaking.

"We call for help," I replied, walking back to the hall.

"But how, there's no signal"

"We're not calling the cops. We're calling our fellow party poppers," I replied in a mean voice. "It's time for the hunted to become the hunter"

We got to the hall with all its chaos. I climbed the bar and yelled at the top of my voice to get the attention of everyone. It wasn't easy but it was achieved. Then I told them first to get rid of their bangles and then of the secret room. I was aware that our oppressors were watching and I didn't care. I wanted them to know we were in control of the game now.

"We're still in charge here. Don't try anything stupid" the voice came on the speaker

But it was too late. The crowd was already in unity, enraged and willing to deal with their oppressors. With that motivation, we matched upstairs to the room. By now the door was locked.

Together, we broke it down and barged inside to meet the hefty masked guys huddled in a corner, scared. Their fear was very obvious at this point. I thought of our next action, I didn't want to hurt them.

Luckily, Sandra shook me by the hands
“Look, that switch says reset”

“Great must be the way to reset it all and set us free”. I replied as I pushed through the chaos for the switch.

One of the masked men noticed and suddenly rushed towards me to stop me,
“Do not press that button” he cried, but the crowd was stronger than him as they tackled him to the ground

I quickly pressed the button, and suddenly, the lights went off and flickered back on few minutes. Then, the doors unlocked and the computers in the room turned from the scary skull looking picture to a normal screen.

“The doors are open. We're free,” a voice yelled as a crowd immediately scampered out of the house. Including the hefty masked men who realised they weren't lynched by the angry mob.

I turned to Sandra, relieved, and said, “Let's go”. But Immediately we turned to go, a video call came on the screen.

“Answer it,” Sandra said, looking at me l.

Fearfully, I walked over to the computer and answered the call. On the other side of the screen was Congressman Xander Wan. “I got an alert of the reset button being pressed. Is the game over so soon?” he said immediately after I answered the call.

Instead of a reply, I yelled in surprise “Congressman Xander? You're X?” I asked, looking over to Sandra. “You're behind all this. Why?”

“Fun! For fun!” He yelled back at me. “When you have so much wealth. You become creative on ways to enjoy it”.

"And this is what you were creative with?" I asked.

"Not just me, my friends too. I actually bet that your friend will be amongst the first ten to zap out of existence" he gave another croaky laughter.

“I would love to see the look on your face when I report you to the police and you're thrown behind bars. I hope it'll be fun for you too”

But instead of remorse from the congressman. He burst into a croaky, scary laughter. “ Police? Come on, think of something better. I'm bigger than the police force. Besides you have no evidence to prove your claims”

I stood there staring at the screen with Sandra. There was so much anger in my heart. I wondered how one could be so wicked and heartless. I remembered how he had manipulated several police cases against him in the past and realised he wasn't bluffing.

But yet I wasn't willing to back down. Even if it'll cost me my last breath, I was going to make sure that Congressman Xander paid for all he had done to me, Sandra and other partygoers that night.

I walked closer to the computer and looked into its screen with rage in my eyes. “You might be powerful, Congressman Xander, but trust me, I'll make you pay for your sins” I turned to Sandra. “Let's get out here”

Together, we walked out of the house. Not knowing our next move, but sure, we weren't going to back down till we saw our party host in jail.

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Wow! Interesting story. You had me captivated to the end. I would be scared as hell if I were to go to a party like that .

Everyone would be scared too. Thanks.

I loved your story, have a happy night



An Interesting one indeed, no gets bored reading a piece like this.