Without Seasoning

in The Ink Well4 days ago

She had always been a people pleaser. The 'Oh yes mistress'. So easy to please. Too easy to agree to anything.![](

It all started right from childhood. As the only daughter and the lady child, she was taught to obey everything and everyone. There was never a time she questioned her parent's or siblings' decisions. Even if it affected her. “Good girls don’t talk back,” her mother would say. She became the perfect daughter.

But gradually, it began to affect her. On several occasions, her mother scooped a spoonful of soup and asked, "Do you like it?". She'll nod her head like a lizard, even if the food tastes bland or needs more spices. To her, she did everything to please her mother.

It got worse as she grew. Down to her college days, she laughed whenever her friends made jokes about her. Even if it was an expensive joke.

Now she is an adult. A mature working-class lady who earns six figures drives her car and lives in her apartment. She hasn't changed a bit. In fact, her soft attitude affected her in her relationship as she swallowed words even when they hurt. She begs to speak even when there's a lot to say. Her soft attitude seems to be more ingrained in her than before. You wouldn't blame her; she had learned early that people liked their soup warm, their women obedient and soft.

But not until today.

She sat across Dare in that restaurant. Dare has been her boyfriend for the past three days. The aroma of spicy hot pepper soup fills their nose. The ambiance was so nice and calming. The music in the background enveloped them with love and feelings. They sipped on wine as they waited for the waiter to serve their orders.

Soon, the waiter appears with their plate of pepper soup and rice.
He served them and turned to walk away. But eye called him back.

"This isn't my order". She said,

"It is Ma'am." The waiter replied and turned to leave.

But she wasn't stopping there. "I didn't order rice. I ordered Agidi corn flour pudding to go with the pepper soup. He ordered rice."

"You did. But ...."

"I changed your order." Dare cuts in. He blew on his pepper soup and slurped on it.

"How? Why? When?" She asked, keeping her cool with a raised eyebrow.

"While I went to urinate. Babe, this is a public space. You shouldn't be found eating that kind of food."


"Come on babe. You know why." Dare replied without looking at her face.

"Yes, I know why." She was getting furious now. "Because I'm dating a celebrity and the world is watching. So, I should be more careful about what I do or eat in public, right?"

"You're learning. I'm trying to teach you how to date a celebrity. You know it's not every day people get to date someone like me." Dare replied with a proud grin etched on his face.

She didn't touch her food but watched the steam rise from Date's bowl. She kept quiet for a few minutes. She could feel her chest fill with rage.

"You’re quiet," Dare said, glancing at her.

"I’m thinking."

Dare chuckled. "You? Thinking?" He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "That’s odd."

She smiled but burned inside like a soup bubbling on fire. She was clearly tired of him making decisions for her. Dismissing her choice like a boy didn't matter. Made her feel that all she could offer was to be a pretty face to a celebrity. Something he can show off to the paparazzi.

She was tired of stuffing her anger inside and agreeing to all he said. All because she wants to please him. Please, people. Please the world and then displease herself. Because she was taught that good girls aren't meant to talk back.

She looked at her soup. It was rich, layered, and strong. Everything she had never allowed herself to be. Then pushed it aside.

"Do you know what happens when you cook without salt?" She asked him, leaning forward. "No matter the number of best spices you add. The ingredients and effort it in. The food will always taste...incomplete. Bland."

Dare wipes his mouth with a tablecloth. "What are you trying to say?"

She leaned back slowly. "All I'm trying to say is that. I just realized I've been living my life all these years without salt."

Date's brows furrowed. He looked at her with so much focus. "Still not making sense."

"I was trained to be a people pleaser. To say yes to it all. Never complain, never ask questions. Just yes. People have seasoned my life for me, all these years. And I've let them." She paused. "I just realized that all their seasoning doesn't taste like me. And I'm done with that life. Not anymore."

Dare dropped the table napkin. "Is this some kind of metaphor?"

She laughed, but it was void of humor. It was blank, just like the look in her eyes. "No, Dare. It’s me turning a new leaf. It's me trying to find my flavor. To add salt to my stew. Because boy, I'm full of spices. I'm done."

She picked up her purse. Stood up and stared at Dare. He had this confused look on his face. He probably realized that the woman standing before him was becoming someone he wouldn't control anymore like he wanted. Then she walked away from the restaurant.

For the first time in her life, she felt seasoned.

And never, would she water herself down again.

Photo by cottonbro studio:


A fiction but this happens in real life. There are people there just living to please people and find it hard to walk out of such life. It's good this lady was able to find herself at the end.
This is a good read

To me, it's normal to eat anything in public, although it depends on the individual and also on how the food is prepared. Celebs of today behave just as if they do not poo.

Without salt, there is no food.