I am loving awareness
I am loving awareness
I uh... Oops, looks like someone swallowed a bug there😅. Hehe, did you hear that part at around 2:00?
Now I don't know much about yoga, nor do I practice it in anyway but I can see, from reading this post, that you have a strong passion for the art. Reading your constructive criticism over how the art has changed over the time is quite understandable - I feel the same way too about Western Classical music, and how it has... "evolved" to modern music over the decades.
Lol, can't escape obnoxious people like that guy and the couple, they're literally everywhere! Same guys who often chew popcorn way too loudly at theatres😑
There's something Ram Dass said in there though, that left a big impression on me just now:
Loving awareness is a name for Soul, which you really are... Leads you to love, everything you're aware of...
This is so true and profound! Sadly, many people often over look it — we don't have souls, we ARE soul and we exist because of love.
Thank you River, for making my morning more fulfilling with this relaxing, therapeutic, and spiritually uplifting post🤍.
Aw, thankyou, you are so kind, and it's a pleasure to write a piece that affects someone so, and I'm glad you listened to the Ram Dass as well.