Ka Si Se gracias por cammpartir esta canción con nosotros puedo sentir la espiritualidad atravez de toz, me ubiece gustado saber que dice la letra ya que es un tema original para que lo tengas en cuenta así podemos disfrutar y comprender mucho más tu energía.
Gricias por tus palabras, que el amor de Dios nos guíe e ilumine en este camino maravilloso llamado vida.
Ka Si Se thanks for sharing this song with us I can feel the spirituality through you, I would like to know what the lyrics say since it is an original song for you to take into account so we can enjoy and understand your energy much more.
Thank you for your words, may the love of God guide us and enlighten us in this wonderful path called life.
In a little sentence it says we should work for the cleansing of our soul
Eso es maravilloso o hermano.
That's right. Wonderful brother.