Hello friends of the hive Jamming Session week 48, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog in this week of Jamming. I hope that you would find interesting, what I share with you here.
Music is an art to be lived and not just to be done. A mentor once told me that there is a big difference between the one who does music and strives to do it well because he needs to survive with it and the one who does music because it his hobby.
The difference lies in the motivation and this reflect so well in the passion perceived from such music. The one who does it as a hobby cannot live without it because it is a part of his life.
The other however, cannot do without music because if he doesn't he wouldn't have to eat. As such he does what he does with the aim of impressing the public to patronize him. The music doesn't have to touch him personally but only if it meets the end of generating money, then he is good with it.
One at this level of music remains at the surface and does not live music. This does not mean that doing music for the moentry gain is a bad idea. In fact it is a good thing because one eats from the gifts of one.
However, I feel that music is beyond just being a profession. It is more like a gift that is to be exercised with the heart. There is a particular spirit that goes with music and this is what every musician should underline to do good music.
Music should be done in such a way that it is felt and enjoyed. At this point in time of my life, I don't think I can do without music and not because I earn with it but because it is a hobby and I am loving it that way.
Today I went out of doing a spontaneous original jam to doing a jam of a song in Hausa language. This is a song that we sing in my church during the time for offertory. It is titled "Mungode Allah". A song of Thanksgiving to God.
I combined my guitar and my piano to do this jam in my own style trying to give it a good look. Dear friends, I enjoin you to join me and enjoy this music.
Thanks for coming around.
Hola amigos de la Sesión de Jamming Hive Semana 48, mi nombre es @Jesus-Son y te doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta semana de Jamming. Espero que encuentres interesante, lo que comparto contigo aquí.
La música es un arte para ser vivido y no solo por hacer. Un mentor me dijo una vez que hay una gran diferencia entre la que hace música y se esfuerza por hacerlo bien porque necesita sobrevivir con él y el que hace música porque es su pasatiempo.
La diferencia radica en la motivación y esto se refleja muy bien en la pasión percibida de tal música. El que lo hace como un pasatiempo no puede vivir sin él porque es parte de su vida.
Sin embargo, el otro no puede prescindir de la música porque si no lo hace, no tendría que comer. Como tal, hace lo que hace con el objetivo de impresionar al público a patrocinarlo. La música no tiene que tocarlo personalmente, sino solo si se encuentra con el final de generar dinero, entonces es bueno con ella.
Uno en este nivel de música permanece en la superficie y no en vivo. Esto no significa que hacer música para la ganancia de húmedo sea una mala idea. De hecho, es algo bueno porque uno come de los regalos de uno.
Sin embargo, siento que la música está más allá de ser solo una profesión. Es más como un regalo que se debe ejercer con el corazón. Hay un espíritu particular que va con la música y esto es lo que todo músico debería subrayar para hacer buena música.
La música debe hacerse de tal manera que se sienta y se disfrute. En este momento en el tiempo de mi vida, no creo que pueda prescindir de la música y no porque gane con ella, sino porque es un pasatiempo y me encanta de esa manera.
Hoy salí de hacer un atasco original espontáneo para hacer un atasco de una canción en el idioma Hausa. Esta es una canción que cantamos en mi iglesia durante el tiempo de la oferta. Se titula "Mungode Allah". Una canción de Acción de Gracias a Dios.
Combiné mi guitarra y mi piano para hacer esta mermelada en mi propio estilo tratando de darle un buen aspecto. Queridos amigos, te ordeno para que te unas a mí y disfruten esta música.
Gracias por venir
▶️ 3Speak
So lovely I love the condo it's hot
Thanks man. You too much
Na you be my mentor oo
Bravo! My loudest round of applause to you @jesus-son. You just nailed it. Truly a gift you got. And yeah, music for me is a significant part of every day being. I just can't let the day pass without listening to them. Keep it up buddy. You're indeed gifted!!!😇
Those words means mother than a million for me. You made me blush and smile greatly. Thanks so much dear friend @nicolebanilad it's a pleasure to meet you here and share music with you.
I flowed wella with you on this broo. This is one of my best offertory hymns and you nailed it here giving it another look. Respect boss
See me dey blush like woman, hehe
Thanks my guy, u too much
Bad guy!!!! Nice work broo
I loved this
Badest guy, hehe
Tacnhiu my guy
I never get tired of listening to you
Go's has blessed so so much with good talents. Nice one bro
Awwwn awwn, haha, abi na so una dey blush, lolz
Thanks my dear
Bro, you're so talented, always bring great jobs, congrats. Greetings and Success 🙏
Thanks so much man
I appreciate your visit
Hermano querido, realmente aprecio que te expreses de forma tan honesta acerca de tus sentimientos por la música y cómo lo más importante es sentirla en nuestro corazón y vivirlacon pasión e intensidad. Tu interpretación es pura magia, como es habitual y disfruté mucho escucharla, tanto la melodía rítmica del piano como el sonido de la guitarra son cálidos y alegres, levantando el ánimo y el espíritu ¡gracias por participar en Sesión Jamming semana 48! infinitas bendeciones para tí.
What a pleasure to read you bro. Thanks so much for all you do and all you are. God bless you
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beautiful jamming, very happy to listen to it brother and very calm you play it, I enjoy it
Thanks so much bro
God bless you
This one really catch me oo you're good seriously.
Senior man
Na d small I sabi o, lolz