Jamming Session Week 46 - Instrumental Improvisation (Truth)

in Universo Jamming2 months ago

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Hello my fellow musicians it's a good day and I hope you all are doing great, And also using this medium to welcome everyone into the new community which is the universo jamming where we can create, improvise and design music to our taste, it was so good seeing the steps the community leader took @juliopalomo by creating this community for us, even though the believe is that it can be so rough at the start but there are some that luck and grace will oversee and it won't be rough.

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We have talented musicians on here and i know we will be able to connect and make the community great than now. So for the first post in the community i did the improvisation and jamming of a song backing track which is titled the truth, it was played on the key of G and also it was an easy one for me because i so much love the kind of song pattern and the beat was a reason for me to be more creative than i was before.

I had to do the recording at midnight because i can now make any of my video at any time because it does not disturb the neighbor as it will be connected to soundcard and all what i will be playing will be heard on headset, so i woke up around 4 in the middle of the night to make my video since i met power supply on while i woke up, so i connected my keyboard and also my newly bought ringlight which also is a reason for me doing the video at that time as there won't be issue of dark area and face will be seen well.

I played with the ground piano voice and also did another with the panflute voice which made the mixing go well for me and i hope you all enjoy the jam and video. Let's do music and make it more interesting ❤️💥💥💥...

Link to the backing track




Hola mis compañeros músicos es un buen día y espero que todos ustedes están haciendo muy bien, y también el uso de este medio para dar la bienvenida a todos en la nueva comunidad que es el universo jamming donde podemos crear, improvisar y diseñar música a nuestro gusto, que era tan bueno ver los pasos del líder de la comunidad tomó @juliopalomo mediante la creación de esta comunidad para nosotros, a pesar de que la creencia es que puede ser tan difícil al principio, pero hay algunos que la suerte y la gracia va a supervisar y no será difícil.

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Tenemos musicos talentosos aqui y se que podremos conectarnos y hacer la comunidad mas grande que ahora. Así que para el primer puesto en la comunidad que hice la improvisación y la improvisación de una pista de fondo canción que se titula la verdad, que se jugó en la clave de G y también fue un fácil para mí porque me gusta mucho el tipo de patrón de la canción y el ritmo era una razón para mí ser más creativo de lo que era antes.

Tuve que hacer la grabación a medianoche porque ahora puedo hacer cualquiera de mi video en cualquier momento, ya que no molesta al vecino, ya que estará conectado a la tarjeta de sonido y todo lo que voy a estar jugando se escuchará en los auriculares, así que me desperté alrededor de las 4 en medio de la noche para hacer mi video desde que conocí a la fuente de alimentación en mientras me desperté, así que conecté mi teclado y también mi ringlight recién comprado que también es una razón para mí hacer el video en ese momento, ya que no habrá problema de la zona oscura y la cara se verá bien.

He jugado con la voz de piano de suelo y también hice otro con la voz de flauta de pan que hizo que la mezcla vaya bien para mí y espero que todos disfruten de la mermelada y el vídeo. Hagamos musica y hagamosla mas interesante ❤️💥💥💥...


▶️ 3Speak


This is so nice, I love your touches, and it show how professional you are with the keyboard. I wish I knew how to play something on the keyboard 🤣. Kudos brother

Thanks my brother, And to say i am a professional, that's a lie I'm still a learner😂

Lol that's a lie and I choose not to accept that

You will accept this one o😂

Okay then, I think I give up on that. Lol

Oh, so u sef dey give up?

Lol.. I can't fight it more. So I just have to. 😂😂. Don't worry will go prepare myself well for another time.

Cool, calm and fresh.
It's awesome man. The melody Is just flowing well and could penetrate through.

Weldon and more of you


Thank you so much, i really appreciate this kind words, A word of encouragement and i really love it

This is so nice and great, I love the way you play the keyboard Everytime, but this is really great you are boss indeed🙌

I am still trying to learn and play well my brother 🤤🤤. The real boss

I see you every time as my mentor and this is very amazing and i would just love to learn how to play this keyboard

You can actually learn it if you are very determined and within short period you will surely start getting it

Cheers bro!! This have the good energy👐🏻⚡⚡⚡

Thank you so much, i so much appreciate

This is the man of the deal.
This is just amazing broo
The sound transported me to another realm where music meets imaginations.
So calm and smooth and great bro

The real man himself, my mentor, I'm following your footstep actually, thanks my mentor

Me sef no gree for this whining o, hehe
Sha yawelukum

I no fit whine you o

¡Hola hermano! Tu improvisación estuvo realmente genial, me gustó mucho como acoplaste las dos pantallas y la combinación armónica de ambas ejecuciones quedó impecable ¡¡bravo!! la melodía que nos traes es dulce y relajante, una delicia para los oídos ¡es un honor contar con tu talento y tu sensibilidad musical en nuestro escenario querido amigo! ¡gracias por participar en Sesión Jamming semana 46! bendiciones de amor, abundancia y paz para tí.

Hello brother! Your improvisation was really great, I really liked how you coupled the two screens and the harmonious combination of both performances was impeccable, bravo!! The melody that you bring us is sweet and relaxing, a delight for the ears. It is an honor to have your talent and your musical sensitivity on our stage, dear friend! Thank you for participating in Jamming Session week 46! blessings of love, abundance and peace to you.

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Amigo, tu presentación fue fantástica. Felicidades por tu armonía y desempeño. Bienvenido al Universo Jamming y muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros tu vibración!

Muchas gracias por el comentario, se lo agradezco mucho.

Esto es hermoso hermano como cada efecto es manejado tan sutilmente dando su precensia al piano y la flauta logrando transmitir una energía especial natural atravez de tus manos, gracias por compartir de tu amor con nosotros

This is beautiful brother how each effect is handled so subtly giving its precense to the piano and flute and transmitting a special natural energy through your hands, thank you for sharing your love with us.

Blessings full of Harmony, Love, Peace and lots of Music.

Thanks so much, we must just deliver music at our very best and make our audience feel the flow also

That's right brother, greetings and blessings.

Guy, you dey hurt oo I really love what you played the sound is so good to my hearing I'm sucked in the sound and I'm inspired great job