(ENG/ESP) Jamming Session Week 47 - In case Improvisation.

in Universo Jamming2 months ago

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Hi everyone, it's another week and another section in the jamming session. I hope the spirit of music have been flowing in this community. So today just like as we've always been doing I'll be doing a jam on an instrumental beat which is titled in case. And to most of us who love Afrobeat this is a time for you all to enjoy the music and flow with a vibe of Afrobeat. Just like you know, Afrobeat is always fun and lovely when you listen to it, and you derive a lot of joy from it.

So this song was done by Victony, featuring davido Aryan Starr and many other top music artist. The first time I was listening to the original song made for this beat, I was really in love with a song because of the flow of the music. Normally today lovers of hip hop music you will understand that davido is not just an ordinary singer and no song it does that you will not enjoy it because of the vibe he has in music. Also, the same thing for Aryan Starr and the others.

Okay about the improvisation I did, there was a little glitch at the start of the entry due to electricity which was not giving enough current which it was supposed to supply, but I had to manage and try a fast means for me to be able to continue the entry which I later did. So I have provided a link to the backing track, wish you can find here. So it can be easily accessible to anyone that want to use it for anything.

While making this entry I had to change the voice I used towards the end to give it some sweet melody which I really enjoyed the sound of it even due to today technical issue I faced. I hope you enjoy the flow as you watch. Thanks for watching in advance.


Hola a todos, es otra semana y otra sección en la jamming session. Espero que el espíritu de la música haya estado fluyendo en esta comunidad. Así que hoy al igual que siempre hemos estado haciendo voy a hacer una jam en un ritmo instrumental que se titula por si acaso. Y para la mayoría de nosotros que amamos el Afrobeat, este es un momento para que todos disfruten de la música y fluyan con una vibra de Afrobeat. Como sabéis, el afrobeat siempre es divertido y encantador cuando lo escuchas, y te da mucha alegría.

Esta canción es obra de Victony, con la colaboración de Davido, Aryan Starr y muchos otros artistas de primera fila. La primera vez que estuve escuchando la canción original hecha para este beat, me quedé realmente enamorado de una canción por la fluidez de la música. Normalmente hoy en día los amantes de la música hip hop usted entenderá que davido no es sólo un cantante ordinario y no hay canción que hace que usted no va a disfrutar de ella debido a la vibración que tiene en la música. También lo mismo para Aryan Starr y los demás.

Vale sobre la improvisación que hice, hubo un pequeño fallo al principio de la entrada debido a la electricidad que no estaba dando suficiente corriente que se suponía que debía suministrar, pero tuve que ingeniármelas e intentar un medio rápido para poder continuar la entrada lo que hice más tarde. Así que he proporcionado un enlace a la pista de acompañamiento, deseo que usted puede encontrar aquí. Para que pueda ser fácilmente accesible a cualquier persona que desee utilizarlo para cualquier cosa.

Al hacer esta entrada tuve que cambiar la voz que usé hacia el final para darle un poco de melodía dulce que realmente disfruté el sonido de la misma, incluso debido a hoy problema técnico que enfrenté. Espero que disfrutéis del flujo mientras lo veis. Gracias de antemano.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL.com

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It wonders me how una dey do am wey una hand move so fast around those frets wey just plenty everywhere, hehe.
You dey always burst my head with your jamz. This sounds great brother. Weldone baba

No be only you e dey shock ooo. E dey shock me too

😁😁😄😄 see me laughing like a toddler.. thanks for the compliments tho. I feel so honored. But this is just a bit from what you can do.

You are welcome


Thank God it's not only me , haha

Lol, actually my bro, it's not just today tho. But I am still a learner actually, just trying my best to some point.😁😁. You are always making me feel so elated whenever I see your comment here. Thanks for the kinds words, and thanks for watching. You surely know you are still the boss anyway anytime.😁😁🙌🙌

Na so una dey always talk saybuna b learner, haha.
I dey use one eye dey look you, hehe
Weldone baba

😆😆😆 that's the fact actually. Thanks man

When we say someone is a boss, clear road for this man the real boss. You are doing well

Lol, thanks brother. I am still a learner where you are. It's just a privilege to be amongst my bosses here. Probably you all will teach me to become better 😄😉

This is magnanimous my boss, I can't understand the level of happiness you gave me when I listened to this. This is so lovely brother Weldon and keep it coming.

Thanks friend 😊. I am so happy and proud to have made you happy. Definitely I have made myself happy too for doing that.😄

Lol, that's sounds sweet then. Weldone brother and enjoy your day

And you also

The boss for a reason. Always giving the real vibes and feelings. Good one boss🙌🙌

Thanks brother. It feels so good to know you love my entry. Thanks for checking it out

You are welcome brother. Keep doing what you do best. I am loving it.

Thanks boss.

You are welcome 🤗


You are a genius brother! 🔥🔥 What a pro you are. I put a lot of care into the interpretation, trying to understand the intent, the intervals you used and the whole context in general, I think part of learning is listening, and since I'm still learning harmony I really enjoyed listening to you!!!. 👽😎

Ohh, thanks so much brother. It's still a work in progress and I am trying to get better. Thanks for the encouragement and nice words.

You're welcome brother, I wish I had your level, I am also preparing myself little by little. 🔥🔥

No p bro you will get thee

Valla hermano no deja de solprenderme tu estilo, tu feeling, tu sonido, me conecta y me lleva a viajar atravez de tus manos.

Es maravilloso poder compartir y aprender de esto amigo, Gracias infitas por regalarnos en cada entrada tu energía maravillosa.

Gran Jam hermano, es un gusto poder escucharte y verte.

Bendiciones Infinitas llenas de inspiración, armonía y amor

Muchas gracias hermano por comprobarlo y compartir estas bonitas palabras. Tus ánimos me hacen seguir adelante 🙏.

Saludos hermano, como siempre es gratificante y placentero escucharte tocar con ese estilo relajado y a la vez profundo que te caracteriza, tu improvisación es un viaje musical de conexión con la energía creativa y estamos agradecidos de que compartas con nosotros tu talento y tu expresión artística genuina ¡felicidades! y gracias por participar en Sesión Jamming semana 47

Greetings brother, as always it is gratifying and pleasant to listen to you play with that relaxed and at the same time profound style that characterizes you, your improvisation is a musical journey of connection with creative energy and we are grateful that you share with us your talent and your genuine artistic expression congratulations! and thank you for participating in Jamming Session week 47

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Thanks very much it feels to good to be here. Thanks for commenting