
I honestly don't think it's worth it. The amount of CBM earned per day is fairly low as a free player (use natural recovering energy). Also as I was participating in the events, my CBM would take fairly long before I reach the minimum to withdraw but I was fine as my total account value was going up. I'd rather not bother and focus on other things seems more profitable. Overall, I was doing it because I considered as something where I checked a few times a day and as a side reserve. I did take the time to learn the system into building strategies to partake in the events, but I don't have the motivation to nor do I think it is worth it given the price increase. There are plenty of communities and I can spend the extra 15 minutes or so per day somewhere else.

It just doesn't seem worth the effort since the goalpost has been moved to me. It would negate pretty much around 2-3 weeks of a free player to be considered break even for the new price. Also, you need like over 1,000 CBM before you can even withdraw and my total account value since starting isn't even half way there. I was building up my inventory, taking part in the events and even planning to rent some of the buildings but the motivation to do so just doesn't seem worth it. I had even built up a plan for the prices of ingredients to participate in the top manufacturing event (got top 25 twice) but I was already second thinking it as prices increased due to the HIVE rewards pool added (it is only for top 10 so I doubt I would get it with my plan, grade and prices of ingredients). Overall, building another plan to participate and be part of the system is just not worth it. Of course I could consider myself a drag and buy items and sell on market without contributing much. However the payoff for that would require at least a few more months (doesn't boost motivation) and bores me. I will like my interest in the game has dwindled and one of the reasons why I learned the system was because it helps my motivation.

You could write a post out of that, and receive upvotes to cover your license without any problems)