Back to the grind...
I have been out of town for a few days and had not been as active on #Hive as of late due to just life circumstances in general. As always, the blockchain waits for no one, and of course, there have been updates to various things around the Hive. One of them is my all-time #Favorite #PlayToEarn game #CryptoBrewMaster!
Farming ASH
You might at first think, "Why in the heck do I want to farm ASH?" And the answer is because it is the cryptocurrency of another Blockchain network that is basked in Eastern Europe, and used by a lot of the #CBM #Community! As you can see from the above photo, you can now buy "ASH Farming Packs" in the CBM store. You can then use them in the newly opened "Office /Apartment Building in the game. Being a new feature, I thought I might as well check it out. So I cashed out some #Doge I had, sent it to #BlockTrades, and bought some ASH. A few minutes and some clicks later...
I had Mail!
After a few minutes, I received the notification the transaction was complete, and there was my card to open...
Again a few clicks and I was presented with this baby here...
Next Step...
Wait. What?
After opening up the "Office / Apartment Building," I then clicked the available spot for the "Farming Card," and, to my surprise, after opening, it appears the cards have a lifespan of only thirty days! I did some quick math and the card appears to give out about one hundred ASH over a thirty-day period. I am not sure if you can "stack" them to get more, because I only had enough for one card, so I cannot speak to this aspect, but at first glance, for a price of one thousand ASH for a payout of only one hundred back does not seem to be the best investment to me. I am likely missing something, but I wanted to write a post to make the CBM Community aware of my experiences with this new "upgrade" to the game. I will write another at the end of the thirty days and update on what happened!
Thank you for reading!
"price of one thousand ASH for a payout of only one hundred back does not seem to be the best investment to me." THis was also my first impression (i.e. I thought that for 1000 ASH I would get 1000 + 10% back in one month, and that the card was a one-time use). However, after clarifying things with cryptobrewmaster, I now understand that these cards can be used an UNLIMITED amount of times. So, you can stake this 12 times per year and get a yield of no less than 1200 ASH! And the NFT retains its value since it can be used over and over. The team could do well to explain these things better, because then they'd sell the cards a lot faster I'm sure.
Excellent! Thank you for that clarification for me! Now I feel great about buying it!