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RE: Something strange about Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest

in World News5 years ago (edited)

There seems to be no end to disinformation, so I don't simply accept Ghislaine Maxwell was ever outside of the US, or that she purchased the house. Seems more likely to me given her service to covert agencies that she has been under their protection wherever she has been and that they bought the house for her use as part of that protection. Who has more incentive to do that than the FBI?

Or, to kill her.

Edit: I completely agree with your suspicion that this is going to avail our overlords of suitable psychological manipulation of the public. While that could include offering up any of their number for their collective safety, there's little reason to expect anyone but Trump to serve that purpose, as he's been well positioned for such a sacrifice for a long time.

Plus, he's Roy Cohn's apprentice. It would be difficult to choose a better sacrifice on the altar of child trafficking and blackmail. For those as remain in denial of the Roy Cohn history in Trump's background, first, that's on you for not checking into it, and second where's the evidence from NXVIUM, Weiner's laptop, and Epstein's files? It's in Trump's hot little hands, that's where, and sure to be doing yoeman's duty on his, and Israel's, behalf.

Denial is not a river in Israel, although it will be soon.



Yeah, there is another thing - if anything shows the true nature of the world, before Epstein, it was Weiner's laptop - he just walked Scott free to ride a horse in rehab - and then there is of course like you said NXVIUM - its like a bunch of warlocks and witches control everything. About the FBI - they never used the Mann Act to search Epstein's homes, even though that was what it was setup for - so really I have zero faith on what "evidence" they will collect. Most likely they will try for a sweetheart deal of some kind. Thanks!