How Would a Witch Celebrate el Día de la Pachamama? 🌎🌱

in Magick4 months ago (edited)

I have been contemplating how to add bits of local culture into my craft. How can I honor the place where I live and the ways of the people who came before me without appropriating a culture that isn't my own?

As someone who has been living in Argentina for over five years it seems time to encorporate local traditions into my personal practice. And, very sychronisticaly, August 1st is an imporant day in both the neo-pagan Wheel of the Year and here in Argentina. Today is el Día de la Pachamama!!

All I know about this holiday is that it marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. That today marks the begining of the preparations for spring sowing and is a time that many people honor the Earth goddess, Pachamama.

The path I follow is that of herb craft with influences from traditional witchcraft. Trad withcraft might mean different things to different people. To me this path is all about embodying the folkloric witch

🧙🏼‍♀️ you know ... the old hag who lives alone in the woods, the beautiful maiden who prefers the company of animals and plants over people, the sorceress with powers to heal with plants.

What would the witch of folklore do? Stick to her traditions year after year? Let fear of cultural appropriation hold her back from trying out a new ceremony?

Or would she simply follow inspiration and make something of her own?

I think she would do just that. And I have followed inspiration today and instead of celebratimg Imbolc or Lughnasagd I am celebrating this new cycle of the agricultural year by honoring la Pachamama, inspired by tradition and in my own way too.

🌱 Inspired by local tradition, I have prepared the typical drink of caña con ruda with my own little twist, of course. Soon I am headed to a sacred space on the land and make a little, spontaneous ceremony with some of my treasured tools of the craft.


I've always loved Pachamama. Of course you should celebrate her spirit, even if something or someone says it's not yours to celebrate. I think that Pachamama might be totally honoured!

I agree!! and after doing my little ceremony I felt that she was indeed happy for the recognition. Thanks for your affirmative comment. <3 and happy day of the Pachamama!