This is very interesting, if I'm looking for more INTPs (Logician), it looks like Algeria (14.1%) has the highest density (currently on record).
The highest concentration of ENTJs (Commander) appear to be in Syria (6.91%)
ENTPs (Debater) in Montenegro (9.99%).
INTJs (Architect) Algeria again (8.96%).
Russia takes the cake in Thinking versus Feeling, with a whopping +3.03% advantage to Thinking (for comparison the USA is +14.8% Feeling).
Lithuania appears to be the most open-minded with a +9.86% Prospecting versus Judging.
Nicaragua is the most Assertive (+10.48%) and Nepal the most turbulent (+14.76%).
Algeria again leads in Analysts, with an almost unbelievable 35.79% (Malaysia is the lowest with 10.28%).
China tops the charts for Explorers (WerewolfNinjas) with 22% (Italy ironically is the lowest with 9.91%).
Ghana takes to top spot for Sentinels (CyberPirates) with 39.88% (Tunisia is the lowest with 12.82%).