'Viral' meme VS a Logician

in LOGICZOMBIE5 years ago

There is this viral meme going around, and you can replicate it's claim yourself. Apparently everyone seems quite amazed and wowed by the result. I was not amazed, and I didn't see anything odd about it.
I try to explain it to some folks and they dismiss...

The meme:

When one performs the task, their mind is supposed to be 'blown'.

Go ahead, if you must, try it yourself.
The result is spoiler you will find a coronavirus 'new cases' mention for any of those digits..

photo from trekkerscrapbook.com


Is this Logical?
It seems like a very logical, normal outcome to me, does it not you?

Any case count will have a high probability of having 'someone' out there, reporting on it 'at that time/count'.
So you can find the specific reports, or mentions, for 'that number/count', and you will see they are from all over the world.
Perhaps hundreds of thousands of 'reports', if not millions. Of course, with extremely high probabiliy, there will be one or more, for every number.

Please point the flaw in the explanation, or concur.



Honestly, my mind is blown that anyone's mind is blown by finding that thousands of reports of any metric comprise many different results.

Indeed. It's why I felt compelled to spread some logic.
People usually like to refer to me as a 'Conspiracy Theorist', even when I take the time to debunk their 'conspiracy theories'.

I think a better term than conspiracy theorist, which better describes the FBI, since most of the charges they bring are conspiracy charges, and they need to spend a lot of time theorizing how those conspiracies operate to bring such charges, is honest man.

Yeah, that's more accurate IMHO.

666 and nothing more devilish than the release of 666 cases of Hellboy beer in 2019? It must be a conspiracy. lol.

Interesting check it out on duckduckgo:


That's what I was laughing about, if you put in the number 666 any other time it would seem like it'd bring up all sorts of satanic stuff. If you type in just 666 it does. Just like 69, it's all covid cases and percentages of increases while just imputing 69 the first thing that pops up is a sexual reference.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Well done!
I am glad that I stated:

Of course, with extremely high probability, there will be one or more, for every number.

It is logical that the 9/11/2001 event can overpower the 'new cases' algorithm.

Did you go straight for the most logical, 911, or did you try a few first?

I think I tried 232, 436, 999 (max it out), then heck, I thought, 911.

777 and 846 are still stuck in full page covoid results.

I agree with you that this type of anomaly does not necessarily suggest a "conspiracy" in-and-of-itself.

It also doesn't "disprove" a "conspiracy".

I'd say it's definitively inconclusive.

I'd say it's definitively inconclusive.

Well that makes it much more interesting at least :)
Thanks for the feedback!

However, it is pretty good evidence of "panic".

Any case count will have a high probability of having 'someone' out there, reporting on it 'at that time/count'.

But what kind of lunatic reports "999" new cases without rounding it to "1000"?

"Lets go ahead and just, NOT round up!"

Nobody seems to give a rip about "precision" in the news. Why suddenly start now?

By not rounding, it looks like they did due diligence.
1000 sounds lazy.

"Hey all, about 1000 died"


"We counted every one of the dead, exactly, and there are 999 new cases."

I still don't believe it.

It sounds like fake precision to me.

Of course it is fake many times I would think as well.

it looks like they did due diligence.

'looks like'