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in LOGICZOMBIE2 years ago

No-one is muted 'in the blockchain' - the blockchain is immutable. The decision as to whether to enable the full or partial censoring of posts on any given Hive front end is taken by whoever runs the front end. There are some front ends that allow muting and some that don't. The posts are always available on the blockchain and via block explorers.

I am one of the most downvoted people on this blockchain historically and wrote many posts about it. I do think that there should be more respect for free speech here, but at the same time you are misunderstanding some of the facts.

When it comes to view counts, there is no way to confirm the accuracy of any of that kind of data on any website, since we don't ever have access to the raw data.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I do have the formula, to make a better or to take over most of the social media world. (Mister Harvard Zuckerberg and Mister Musk). But I'm more interested in taking over the Operating System market and computer market to counter Dr Gates over there. I have a brand named Next Level computers. which I cant get going myself because my company was sabortaged. Very long story. I'm a senior project manager and ex market leader.

When I was 13 I was a white hat hacker and WE created a marketleading ecommerce platform which kicked ass. We had functions nobody else had, and it is better then a shitty Microsoft CRM. I did find out until later.

Anyway, I want to fork this platform, to a better one. I'm not motivation by money. I never was. In fact I hate money and esspecially the way it's done.

(Very last things, so I was the smart case on this platform? Back in 2020 when I joined? Views should not be limited for most posts. )



Image sources, myself, unfinished. Designed in Moscow.

you are misunderstanding some of the facts.

We all do this. Part of being human.

I ment to say muted on the frontend on a blockchain website? But yeah, there will probably need to be some muting but who decides this?

This is 2023, the Great Reset has failed. We all need to really wake up.

You are on this blockchain for a long time, I fundementally disagree with speculation based currencies. I'm telling you I do have teh correct formula to make a Next Level new blockchain social media website. Obviously I need a team, a deal and some finance for myself.

Hence The Mossad, US and me had meetings in Phnom Penh Cambodia in 2020. The Russian really messed up the deal and messed up my own plan simutaniously. Long story.

My name is Philip Bernard Williams, Ex CEO of i-Commerce Netherlans / Wizkids I' m very opensource and I don't suffer from inaccurate fear. You can check my FB / newworldfreedomheadquarters.

Have a good day and I'm glad we had this chat. :D

P.s. Not - "the blockchain is immutable." Not entirely true. There are ways, not easy but not impossible. And I know what they say, but everybody reading these words, have they even checked the code? I haven't but just saying, nobody knows sh*t.

I want to tell you another mad things, I am a man of interest, I got invited to Steem, by another American man of interest connected to The White House and The US Senate, wanted to start a blockchain operated school in Cambodia, but at the time I was running an international corporation which got sabortaged a few months later. Long story. Simutaniously In The Netherlands by my Ex Lituania Business partner I received more invites. I originally thought Steem/Hive had a lot larger community, not as little as it is today.

So I find this very strange.

Anyway, I am a man of my word and at least you can say, you never heard a story like this before. Have a good day.