The month of Ramadan has begun and all Muslims are observing the fast of the month of Ramadan. Fasting means that a person stops fulfilling his legitimate desires and gives up eating and drinking by the command of Allah from dawn to dusk for the sake of Allah, the Almighty, so that Allah, the Almighty, can be pleased. Allah, the Almighty, said through His beloved Beloved that fasting in the month of Ramadan has been made obligatory upon every Muslim, just as it was made obligatory upon those before you. I am telling you this because the month of Ramadan is the month of blessings and the holiest month. Allah, the Almighty, has mercy on us Muslims and has mercy on all humanity through this month. Whoever obeys the command of Allah, the Almighty, and follows the path shown by Allah, Allah makes that person successful. The month of Ramadan is a very beautiful month. This month is a month of blessings. In this month, Allah, the Almighty, imprisons Satan and man inclines towards Allah, the Almighty. We see that in the month of Ramadan, many The number of worshippers in mosques increases. People of all ages, young and old, start praying five times. We pray to Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty may grant us the ability to observe all the fasts of the month of Ramadan, because the month of Ramadan is a month of blessings and many destinations. May Allah Almighty grant every Muslim the ability to do good deeds in the month of Ramadan and forbid us from evil deeds and may we be saved from evil deeds.
In the month of Ramadan, Allah Almighty blesses us with sustenance. Now the month of Ramadan has begun and this is my third fast. All Muslims around the world are enjoying the month of Ramadan and are receiving the blessings of Allah Almighty because Allah Almighty gives a great reward in the month of Ramadan, a reward that has no account. Allah gives reward without account. Fasting for those who fast is not just that a person does not eat or drink all day long, but the real purpose of fasting is to develop patience, tolerance, compassion, piety and those qualities that bring a person closer to Allah Almighty. May Allah Almighty grant every person the ability to fast in the month of Ramadan because fasting in the month of Ramadan has been made obligatory on Muslims and whoever does not perform the obligation means that he commits a sin. May Allah Almighty protect us from sin and grant us the ability to do good deeds because in the month of Ramadan, Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran to His beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him). The Holy Quran is the last inspired book of Allah Almighty. And Allah has made fasting obligatory on people in His last inspired book because fasting creates piety in a person, it creates courage, and feelings of patience and compassion are created by fasting. Fasting creates compassion for other people in a person because when a person remains hungry all day, a person feels that how those who cannot eat food and do not have money to eat food must be living. In this way, fasting creates a feeling of hunger and creates a feeling of compassion for such people who are poor, who are destitute, who cannot eat their meals twice a day.
In the holy month of Ramadan, every Muslim tries to do as many good deeds as possible so that Allah, the Almighty, is pleased. Every Muslim wants to give as much charity as possible in the month of Ramadan and deliver food to the homes of the poor, and so that the fasting person can break his fast with this food, because in the month of Ramadan, Allah, the Almighty, blesses his wealth, and every person can observe this blessing. Whenever a person breaks his fast, there are many foods on the table at the time of breaking his fast. And all these foods that a person eats in the month of Ramadan, Allah, the Almighty, is pleased. If a person is stingy in the month of Ramadan and does not spend his wealth, Allah, the Almighty, is angry with him, because Allah, the Almighty, commands in the month of Ramadan to distribute wealth among the poor and pay zakat, because there is a month before the beginning of the month of Ramadan in which Muslims pay zakat on their wealth. Zakat is distributed among the poor, the needy, and the needy. Zakat is given to the poor. Zakat is the money that a Muslim takes out of his wealth and distributes to the poor and needy. This Zakat is also obligatory on a Muslim, but it is obligatory on a Muslim who has enough wealth to meet the nisab of Zakat. Thus, the month of Ramadan is called the month of blessings and mercy, and this month is the best of all months because in this month, the mercy of Allah Almighty showers abundantly and every human being is under the mercy of Allah. Allah Almighty commands his angels to increase the rank of those who are doing good deeds in the month of Ramadan by 70 times, and the good deeds are increased by 70 times. Whoever does good deeds in the month of Ramadan,
In the month of Ramadan, it is not only that you do not eat or drink, but in the month of Ramadan, everything is fasted. A person also stops his legitimate desires, stops every bad deed, uses his tongue correctly, uses his hands correctly, uses his feet correctly, because Allah Almighty sends many blessings in the month of Ramadan. We should also fast and keep an eye on our every action so that no one makes a mistake in the month of Ramadan, no one gets angry with us, no one gets angry with us. We should behave well with people, show good manners, pray five times a day, recite the Holy Quran, and do every good deed that pleases Allah Almighty. Because whatever good deed you do in the month of Ramadan, Allah Almighty will reward you 70 times, and the reward of obligatory prayers is also increased 70 times. So in the month of Ramadan, we should not say anything bad with our tongue, nor gossip, nor lie, nor backbite anyone, nor flatter anyone. Rather, we should always mention Allah, the Almighty, with our tongues, speak good things, talk about good and good deeds. We should use our hands for good deeds. We should not steal, rob, kill anyone with our hands. Rather, we should earn halal livelihood with our hands and avoid haram livelihood. We should weigh correctly with our hands and take care of the weight. Because some shopkeepers underweight the goods during their shopkeeping, so we should use our hands properly, do good deeds with our hands, and we should walk with our feet towards where there is goodness. We should walk for goodness. We should walk to treat someone well. We should have love and affection for every human being in our hearts so that hatred, envy, and grudges are removed from our hearts. The purpose of the month of Ramadan is also to purify our hearts from bad deeds.
Do you know how much spring is in the month of Ramadan? Muslims wake up early in the morning, have suhoor, before the dawn breaks, all Muslims have suhoor. Suhoor is the food that is eaten before dawn, and as soon as the call to prayer for dawn is given, Muslims stop eating and drinking and engage in the worship of Allah. In the morning, everyone, young and old, is present at the table, and many foods are arranged on the table for suhoor. It is the blessing of Allah Almighty that everyone, young and old, men and women, wake up before dawn to have suhoor, have suhoor, and illuminate their hearts with the blessings of suhoor. Children, young and old, from the age of five to 10, fast and are very happy. By fasting, the blessings of the month of Ramadan continue to descend throughout the month.
During the month of Ramadan, most of the foods eaten during Sehri in our area and throughout Punjab are egg parathas made with village ghee, which are made with village ghee, and are eaten by children and adults alike with great enthusiasm. In addition, fruits, chicken, meat, bread, and yogurt are also eaten with great enthusiasm. These people drink lassi made with yogurt with great enthusiasm, and various other foods that people traditionally cook are also eaten. Thus, during Sehri, a beautiful table is decorated in every house, where all the members of the house sit together and eat Sehri, and then thank Allah Almighty.
The details of the favorite foods of children during Iftar are that children like to eat samosas, chicken korma, pakoras, kebabs, children eat them with great enthusiasm. In this way, among the favorite things of children is fruit chaat. Children eat fruit chaat very enthusiastically. Apart from this, children eat kheer, carrot kheer with great enthusiasm. Macaroni, chicken macaroni is also very popular with children. So, there are different foods during Sehri and Iftar, and children especially like to eat a lot during Iftar, some of which I have told you the names of, and mostly fruit is eaten during Iftar. Among the fruits that are in season today, Malta, oranges, bananas, and mangoes are not in season, but mangoes from foreign countries have also come to the market here. Grapes, grapes, black grapes, children like them very much. Both young and old eat grapes very enthusiastically. Guava and melon, watermelon, all these types of fruits are suitable for Iftar. During the summer, both young and old like to eat and if it is summer, drinks made from lemon juice are drunk with great enthusiasm. Lemon juice, which is also called Ammo juice, juice for making apple juice, all these juices are drunk with great enthusiasm during Iftar in the summer season, but at the moment the month of Ramadan is in the winter season, but after 15 days, the month of Ramadan will shift to summer and the next 15 fasts will be in the summer season and in this season, people will start drinking all these drinks.
The splendor of the month of Ramadan is also in our house. We are also celebrating the beautiful moments of the month of Ramadan because the month of Ramadan is a month of blessings and my entire family wishes that everyone in the house observes all the fasts of the month of Ramadan. My son, my daughter, my nephew, my niece, my brother and all the members of my family observe all the fasts of the month of Ramadan and we thank Allah Almighty that Allah has given us the ability to fast because when a person does any good deed, he does it only with the help and pleasure of Allah because it is not in the power of a person to do good deeds because this happens only by the command of Allah Almighty. So I pray that Allah Almighty grants us the ability to observe all the fasts in the month of Ramadan. May Allah grant us the ability to fast with health and may Allah grant us the ability to spend as much as possible in the month of Ramadan so that we can serve the poor and needy. So in the past few days, my children prepared pakodas, samosas and various foods in the month of Ramadan and my daughter, my son, my brother all wished for these. It is a good idea to make something new every day for iftar and we eat it with enthusiasm because Allah Almighty has ordered that you spend as much as you can in the month of Ramadan and we prepare all the food for the sake of Allah and whatever fruit we buy from the shop, we bring it only for the sake of Allah so that Allah Almighty may bless us in the fast we have kept for the sake of Allah Almighty. So I hope you will definitely like my article today and I pray that Allah Almighty may guide you and give you the ability to do good deeds and through the charity of the month of Ramadan, may He make all your family members good people and give you the ability to do good deeds. I thank you all very much for reading my article today. I request you to pray for me too, may Allah make me a good person and give me the ability to do good deeds, Amen.
Ramadan Mubarak....
Respected arshad khan ap ku bhe bhut bhut Ramadan mumbrak .khush rahoo ❤️
رمضان کا بابرکت مہینہ مبارک ھو۔
Happy Ramadan Sir g
Stay blessed