Failures and successes are part of a person's life. When a person moves towards success, failures also come in front of him. Similarly, if you are a father or a teacher or belong to any field of life and you have children and you want to train your children better, then first of all we must teach our children that children achieve success in life only when a person faces failures. Because those who continuously achieve success and never face failure in life, there comes a time when they cannot tolerate a small failure and then the successes they have achieved do not suit them and they do not remain permanent. People who want to move towards success should always keep in mind that failure will definitely come in front of them one day. They will definitely face difficulties that they have not seen before. Therefore, the lesson of both success and failure should be taught to children because children will be strong only when they go through both these stages.
Last night my children made a program and my daughter said that she wants to interview her brother and she will put it on her wig. My daughter does not have a vlog yet but she tells me that Dad, upload my video on your three-speak wig. I promised her that I will upload your vlog on my three-speak channel. My daughter took my mobile phone and then she interviewed her brother with great effort and made different artistic clips. But whenever she made artistic clips, her brother did not follow her instructions. But she kept working hard and then she made such great clips that even a professional could not make. I thought that if my daughter has worked hard and then the clips she made in the first try and made wigs were not good but now that she has kept working hard, then she has made better and better clips. She is now almost eight years old and I think that in the coming times she will learn from her mistakes and she will be the best professional. A video recorder can also be made. I believe that just as the world is progressing today, we also have to take our children along with this progress. We have to teach our children how to use all the tools that will become the ladder of success for them in the coming times. Because if we do not familiarize our children with new technology and new codes, they will be left behind because a computer today is a computer, rather a computer has become an artificial intelligence. In our era, it was not the era of AI, but today's children are becoming aware of AI and we should give our children the freedom to use modern devices so that they can choose their profession of their own free will and these will be the successes and failures that they will achieve in their field and move forward.
All these pictures that you are seeing in this blog, all these pictures were made by my daughter, but when were they made? She made these pictures while making a vlog because she wanted to make a funny vlog but her brother was not supporting her. She told her brother that you have to act like this, you have to say this, you have to say these words. She was giving all these directions to her brother and I was watching, I was listening and I was focusing on how my daughter was giving instructions to her brother because she wanted him to make a vlog that was good and according to her thinking. This is the thinking that happens. This thinking moves a person forward, helps a person to move forward. Because when my daughter was telling her brother that you have to speak like this, when the brother forgot to follow her instructions, and then she cut it and watched the clips and said, no, no, you have to speak like this now, so in this way she made a great selfie vlogs. Then what happened? Then what happened was that my eldest son, who is He snatched the mobile phone from his sister and after snatching the mobile phone, he deleted all the videos that my daughter had recorded. My daughter came to me crying. She said, "Brother, you have wasted all my hard work." I asked what happened. She said, "Brother, you have deleted all the videos that I had been making with so much effort." So I called my son and told him, "My son, you have done this wrong." But I told my daughter that your hard work will not go away. Rather, I will post the pictures you have made on my blog and write this story in my article on this blog. Because I told my daughter, "You should make it again, then take a day off and make it again, and you should make an even better vlog." She was happy. I told her, "Insha Allah, you will make an even better vlog." She was happy. The reason she was happy was that I satisfied her. But when her brother deleted her videos, she thought I had failed. I told her no, you have succeeded, you have succeeded and I will definitely post your videos that you will make for the technical videos blog on the 3Speak channel. She was happy. These are the pictures that my daughter has made, which I am sharing with all of you.
We also see that sometimes parents and teachers do not encourage their children but discourage them. So if we want our children to progress and succeed, we have to introduce them to new technology and encourage them. And if they fail or get disappointed, we have to turn their failures and disappointments into happiness and keep them moving forward. Because until we encourage our children, we cannot see them at a high level because children are like empty plates. Children learn and acquire only what we teach them. If we create disappointments in our children, our children will become disappointed. And we should not let our children become disappointed. Rather, we have to encourage our children, instill the power to fly in them, teach them how to fly, how to fly, how to face storms, how to face storms, how to face storms.
We have to teach today's generation values according to the requirements of the modern era, character, ethics, good manners, and everything that can make our children successful in society and in the world. And the most important thing among them is that we have to instill in our children courage, courage, youth, perseverance, hard work, and the ability to rise up in the face of failures. We have not only taught our children that success is everything, we have to teach our children that after success, failure inevitably comes, and those who bravely confront these failures and persevere to achieve their goal are the ones who succeed and prosper in this world. This life is a place of hard work. We have to work here and leave this world doing hard work. This hard work should be such that it is beneficial for people, good for society, and good and beneficial for the people around us and the world. Because if we work hard for the wrong values, for the wrong inventions, for the wrong discoveries, then this hard work It will be very dangerous for the coming generations, so we should do such things, perform such feats that will be remembered even after our death, which will continue to be useful to people, from which people will continue to benefit. This is my article today and the purpose of my article is also that we have to instill such qualities and emotions in our new generation that they can make this world a cradle of peace and love with these qualities and emotions, illuminate this world with the light of our knowledge in every way, so that Allah and His Messenger are also pleased with us. Thank you very much to all of you.