A person goes through many stages in his life, the most important of which are failures and successes. We know that every person strives for success, his hard work and all his struggle are only to achieve success, but when a person moves towards success, then he also faces failures. But have we asked ourselves these questions: what benefit do the successes that we achieve as individuals bring to our society? What benefit will the success that we want to achieve as individuals bring to our society and the people around us? And if we fail, what effect will this failure have on our society? We have to ask ourselves these questions. And then when we realize that our success will benefit our society, every individual will benefit, the people around us will benefit, my country will benefit, my friends will benefit, then we should work hard for this success in every way. But if we think that the answer we will get is that this success is only the victory of a single individual, the individual will benefit, then I think Since such success can be achieved for an individual but not for society, we should achieve goals and objectives that benefit society and not just the individual.
We live in a society. This society is not based on a single individual. Rather, each individual is a brick of this society. If a brick is only there to keep itself strong, then it will not work in such a way that the society in which it is a devotee of Eid will be able to remain strong. Rather, every brick of the society, every individual, has to work for the development of the society. If there is a country, the people of this country are the bricks of this country. They are the foundations of this country. If the bricks in the foundation do not strengthen each other and keep themselves strong, then that wall, that house, that country will not be strong, but will be weak because every brick in it, every individual is strengthening himself, that is strengthening the society.
The waterfalls that are present in the high mountains, the water of which falls from a height, look so beautiful. Similarly, the water of that beautiful waterfall nourishes so many plants, trees, flowers, and animals benefit from the water of this waterfall and quench their thirst. We humans go from far away to see these waterfalls and enjoy it. So, are the waterfalls that are falling from a height providing water? Are they falling only for ourselves? Is the height of these waterfalls? Is the height of these mountains not only for them? Rather, their height invites us to be successful. And then its high water is beneficial for all of us. So, every human being should benefit from his success so that every human being can benefit every creature in the world. Allah Almighty has created us as the best of creations. So, we should achieve such successes that benefit our society, every individual, and the world benefits from it because successes are not always for a single individual, but the success of one individual is for the whole world. Therefore, it is for the people living in this area. If a son becomes successful, then the parents are happy about his success, the teachers are happy, the society is happy, and then the world benefits from his success. Be it in the field of science, be it inventions, all these inventions have proven to be beneficial for mankind.
We should try to do things that benefit people. Whenever we have to achieve a goal, the objectives of that goal should be that this goal is not for me alone, but rather, my goal is the entire society that is traveling around, and if my journey is successful, then my society will be successful.
The purpose of my article today is that we should create such a thought, we should grow like a destination in which we should teach other people how to succeed, which will benefit other people, so we should form a society where success is not of one individual but of the entire society. We also have to make inventions, we also have to progress in the field of science, we also have to make deserts desert, we also have to cross the heights of mountains, we have to cut the chest of mountains and make journeys and paths out of it. So let's make ourselves useful and beneficial like waterfalls, like the water of waterfalls, so that people benefit from us. And we have to cultivate this thought so that the society is beautiful, our thinking is beautiful, our character is beautiful. This can happen only when our destination is beautiful and other people benefit from the successes achieved in our destination. So all the inventions that are happening in the world, if their benefits are reaching the public, reaching every individual, reaching the citizens of every country, then they Inventions are beneficial, if they are harmful to society, to the individual, to the country, then we do not need such inventions. So let's cultivate a positive mindset in which every individual is successful, despair is eliminated, and our world and the hereafter are also successful. Thank you all very much for reading my article today and taking the time to encourage me.
Sir... By choosing the right path we can achieve our goals and success then we can build a good society which is the success of all.