GREAT POINT> so many witnesses relied on a CENTRALIZED witness vote from ONE dictator.... years ago when i asked what @freedom was ... even people like inertia reluctantly admitted to me something like "I guess it is the account you need to get voted witness" lol
Imagine if you tried to break that freedom vote up... or imagine breaking up steem or steemit incs stake.... You cannot do it ... someone will end up buying it all up and being the majority voter. The best you can do is allow for some sort of hybrid 1 person 1 vote stake weighted proposal system for voting on code changes, and voting on new changes, perhaps just using the SPS
Asking them to NOT vote with their own stake is fucking stupid and goes against the ethos of private property and steem. Its like bailing out companies with paid leave just because the corona virus is shutting things down. Or like bailing out the banks.... its a way to temporarily fix a problem to keep YOURSELF in power but not actually fix the fundamental issue which is a general overall lack of leadership
If @dan or @ned has just participated and led by example, we could be at ethereum levels and Steem would be SO HIGH that we could have afforded ANYTHING we wanted and ALL the old players would be REPLACED by YOUNGER BETTER NEWERRS buyers
We were supposed to SWAP PLACES with a NEW GENERATION but steem was STUNTED by Public Sector Agents who intentionally stopped steem from becoming the American engine of freedom it should have been.
There isan alternative dimension out there where steem is the dominant crypto currency, already flipped eth, has all the dapps, and is on coinbase and accepted by many restaurants and by now, we would already have our own payment processors set up for grubhub and postmates deliveries wit steem, we would have already had multiple steem debit cards by now and mobile app wallets but unlike EOSIo steem cant get its shit together
EOSIO chains and tokens come out after steem and within months have multiple mobile wallets.... but steem takes 4 years and has NO mobile wallet.
Back when you coudl actually earn real money on steem when peopel were NOrt stingy and whales were ACTUIALLY upvoting to CREATE NETWORKS of new USERS... THAT is when steem worked.
But no one at steemit inc recognized the work players like @thejohalfiles and @stellabelle did and so their work atrophied and ended with just one or two cycles of new users when we should have had a 10 million new user cycle every 6 months and steemit inc could have subsidized our GROWTH using the STEEM they dumped to pay hosting bills
steem only served to pay web hosting .... amazon got all our fucking money.... no one at steemit inc could even figure out that steemit itself could be profitable if you plug in the ads to the steempower and PAY USERS a cut of the AD revenue by BUYING BACK STEEM with AD money but nooooooo we never got that..... @steempeak had to invent it for them
and honestly i see Steempeak as ready for a new fork away from steem or a full on adoption of telos, so they can guarantee the censorship resistance of their platform and integrity of their chain
Yeah Steem WItnesses have always been a stupid issue where people come in acting liek revolutionaries but get lazy and dont ever write any new chapters in the dan larimer book of governance. he just stopped at witness nodes, he never actually came up with the arbitration ro constitution or worker proposal system, all the shit TELOS had to come up with for dan. and @dan is so rude he wont even acknowledge telos even exists or that they are the leaders in governance except for maybe once or twice and he acts like its illegal for him to speak on any project. It really sucks that he cannot help out this ecosystem when he has at least hundreds of millions of dollars in net work and could buy steemit inc and or at least help create some USABLE dappsp in EOSIO. He cannot act like he is some architect that cannot interact with the common folk, its very elitist and makes him look like a scammer who made his money and is now leaving, he did that with Bitshares then steem then EOS, he leaves projects to die and jumps ship to the next one fucking over his investors
I saw these charts too, and the similarity is very striking.
Dan is a starter, not a businessman, and def not a finisher.
I always liked the saying a Leopard doesn't change it's spots, some of us who remember the beginning days , both good and bad..... saw red flags here for ages.
The Divide and Conquer or making it to herd people to diff platforms seemed very apparent to some of us "fringers" and not "normies".
I suppose time will tell how all of this plays out and @ackza is right about people being fucked over. Sad to see people with such money and power repeatedly doing this as their M.O. but "there's a sucker born every minute"
(the part i used to say steem on and now just say, be well)