John 3:16

The Bible is full of amazing verses and wisdom for all ages. However, if there was one verse that is the poster child of the Bible, it might be John 3:16.

This verse is the reminder of the love that the Lord has for all humans. It explains a lot of the Bible is over verse. It’s a summery of the love that God has for us and the sacrifice that has to happen because of us.

Give all glory and honor to Him.

What is your favorite verse?


Hi, great post, my favorite verse is Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He makes everything beautiful in it's time." I appreciate this verse because there are times I feel I am behind and not advancing in life fast enough and this gentle reminder pulls me up and reminds me that I was made for a purpose and every one of God's creation has its season for abundance.

Very beautiful, my friend in Christ.