Thank you for supporting the Bulgarian community's growth.
I'm just working around redoing my introduction and explanation videos of Ecency/Hive to make them, even more, user-friendly...
And a total of nearly 43 minutes of watch time...@balte
- And I'm working on the average Joe's as well( so very hard on blockchain and keys)
№ 1 video of 8 min explaining ecency/hive account ownership and the a quick preview...
№ 2 Here I Have more of 4 videos:
- Here I'm going to over: #1 account creation, #2Ecency futures, #3First post, #4 First post + ecency promo logo
I definitely want to make it fit in 2 up to 3:33 a Video to start with...
But as I mention working on that in my head and today hopefully on the video.
Keep on moving. Best regards.
Say well within yourself!
Well-being to all around you!
Health to all beings surrounding your reality!@balte
Namaste 🙏