Do we jump into the dark where we are not known? Or do we prefer to stay where we are comfortable. Which is better? There is good and bad in the unknown, the risk is always there, but are we willing to risk it? Do we believe in the good and do we truly believe that everything is beautiful? Is faith important? Does it help us?
Скачаме ли в тъмното, там където не ни е познато? Или предпочитаме да стоим там, където ни е удобно. Кое е по-добре? В непознатото се крие и хубаво и лошо, риска винаги го има, но готовили сме да рискуваме? Вярваме ли в доброто и вярваме ли истински, че всичко е красиво? Важна ли е вярата? Помага ли ни?
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Interesting question.
Majority of my life’s decisions are based what I’m sure about. The ones that I’m comfortable of.
While very few of my life’s decisions are based on something that I haven’t tested before.
If we don't try the new and go into it, we stay in the safe.
Being safe has advantages because it’s likely to be correct. However, if we keep choosing the safe path we will not grow as a person. Staying within our limitations won’t result into something greater than our expectations.
It also depends on the psyche of a person, not everyone can cope with this. It is not by chance said, a man is given as much as he can bear.
That I also agree. Every one of us has a different approach in life.
Posted via D.Buzz
Here be my opinion on the questions...
The dark will eventually jump onto you, anyway, so better do it on your terms.
We do. But that's a bad habit. Growth is where you challenge yourself and go out of that comfort zone. Well, enjoy it when you need some rest and recharge, but then continue forward before getting...too comfortable.
As hinted in my first answer, there is also risk in waiting for the unknown to happen to us. Risk is always there. Acting brings risk. Not acting brings risks. Learn to compare and evaluate those.
Believe that it's good to be good but the bad and the ugly do exist. They shall always be there for us to deal with. Or don't deal with. Up to us.
Have faith in yourself and the potential for good you meet, but also...remember not to get too comfortable. Be ready to challenge your faith and update it. You must constantly prove to yourself you are worthy of it. Accept the failures. And keep going.
Thanks for chiming in always. What you say is extremely wise and each of us can take the positive from what you say. Thank you <3
Много хубави мисли на фона на тази невероятна фотография 🔥🤍💚❤️🇧🇬🙏
Благодаря <3
All I know is if you don't take the step,
you never grow...
Винаги е добре да напуснем зоната си на комфорт,и да се впуснем в непознатото колкото и да не ни се иска! Страхотни снимки, браво!🌹🌹🌹
Благодаря :)