Hello, happy Tuesday friends of HIVE. And a warm greeting to the beautiful people of this community that is always at the forefront with styles. For me, it is a pleasure to pass by and see the publications and I get inspired with the ideas of oufits that you upload, I do not have a large closet, nor a large amount of clothes, however, I try with what I have to get a comfortable look for me.
En esta oportunidad les comparto el oufits que utilicé para verme con una amiga. Estábamos postergando esta salida no sé cuánto, hasta que se dio, fuimos a comernos unas hamburguesas a un sitio lindo que está en todo el casco colonial. Al principio, no sabia que ponerme, la verdad que soy un poco tediosa e indecisa, elegí un jean oscuro, unos zapatos deportivo blancos, y una camisa tipo overzise blanca.
This time I share with you the outfit I wore to go out with a friend. We were postponing this outing for I don't know how long, until it happened, we went to eat some hamburgers at a nice place that is in the colonial area. At first, I did not know what to wear, the truth is that I am a little tedious and indecisive, I chose a dark jean, white sneakers, and a white overzise type shirt.
Sentía que la opción de la camisa blanca no pegaba mucho, porque íbamos a comer, pero me arriesgué porque era la que más me gustaba ya que resaltaba siendo el pantalón de un color oscuro.
I felt that the white shirt was not a good option, because we were going to have lunch, but I took the risk because it was the one I liked the most, since it stood out because the pants were a dark color.
Al final, lo que temía sucedió: No me tomé muchas fotos, logré capturar esta pero lastimosamente no se ven mis zapatos, igual quise compartirlas por aquí porque me sentía muy linda, y creo que esos momentos son buenos capturarlos. Tengo una lucha con las fotos, porque cuando veo a alguien que tengo mucho tiempo sin ver, me gusta prestarle toda mi atención y olvidarme del teléfono, pero me retracto de eso cuando estoy redactando la publicación y me doy cuenta que debí haber tirado mas fotos jaja, no creo que sea a la única que les pase.
In the end, what I was afraid of happened: I didn't take many pictures, I managed to capture this one but unfortunately you can't see my shoes, I still wanted to share them here because I felt very pretty, and I think those moments are good to capture. I have a struggle with photos, because when I see someone I haven't seen for a long time, I like to give them all my attention and forget about the phone, but I take it back when I'm writing the post and I realize I should have taken more photos haha, I don't think I'm the only one that happens to them.
Con amor, Julli.
With love Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 12
All photos are my own, taken with my redmi 12
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Que lindas, me encanta la foto principal, esos girasoles le dan el toque
Las cadenitas me encantan muy lindas