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RE: Constitution Day Conundrum

in Anarchism2 years ago

I still think Burr may have done us all a favor. I've always found it interesting how originally the Bill of Rights only applied to the feds and the states were free to oppress as they pleased and that it took amendments passed at gunpoint to eventually make it apply to the states. Or more accurately, how oblivious people about that.

The Articles were a dumpster fire. We just solved it by setting the whole damn landfill on fire.


The States Rights crowd likes to ignore how municipal, county, and state governments are just microcosms of federal abuse closer to home with fewer and fewer acknowledgements of individual rights.

I like to tell people that 'states rights' made me an anarchist. I grew up in the South, well steeped in the Lost Cause mythos but the more I thought about it the more it seemed if you followed their logic to its conclusion you end up at individual rights/anarchism. Which didn't fit at all with what they were really after.

Kentucky's first gun law, from shortly after it became a state in 1792, was one prohibiting the concealed carrying of pistols.