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RE: What Are Rights?

in Anarchism2 years ago

We have rights because they are inherent to us. You alone can will your heavy hand to your weary brow to wipe the dripping sweat of your hard labors. You cannot transfer that ability. You alone are availed that authority over you. This means you are not property, not even your own property, because property can be transferred, and you cannot transfer this sovereign authority to act to another. You cannot sell it, give it away, or have it stolen from you.

You are sovereign, and this is why.

You have a right to life, and this right has been fulfilled. You do not have a right to live. You, in fact, will die. You have a right to die, and that will eventually be fulfilled too. You have a right to pursue life, but you, sooner or later, will fail to achieve it, and will die. Your right to life has been fulfilled, and your right to die will be, someday, but you do not have a right to live.

It is wise for us to keep that in mind as we face the rigors of living in a dangerous world.
