Mc franko We can't help but notice
Make Hive a better place 2 The frankos #aimusic #music #buildawhalefarm #buildawhalescam
AI Lady Zaza We can't help but notice #aimusic #aiart #Buildawhalefarm #hive
Exploring the Possibilities of AI Art with Bilpcoin NFTs Episode 97 BUILDAWHALE SCAM FARM ON #HIVE
You're wasting your life, Marcus, and it's only going to come back to haunt you. You're bringing shame and ridicule upon yourself, and those who follow you, are only going to suffer the same fate power down, take a step back, and reassess your priorities. But if you continue down this path, you'll only end up laughing on the outside LOL, while crying on the inside.
Oh, look, another serial spammer. All you need to do is stop this nonsense and the downvotes end too. I don't care if you post anti-marky rants, but don't spew it in reply to other filks' posts and comments. That's a real loser move.