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RE: Almost 10 Years Ago From Today. 😲

in SkateHive4 years ago

Appreciate it man. Really not the best videos though. I'm from around Dallas TX. Started skating when I was 11 but didn't do anything on the board till 13. Quit when I was 18ish (im 26 now) and touch the board here and there. Really missing it now. Gotta relearn a bit, but as I've gotten older I tend to mainly skate vert. Mostly mini ramps. The only recent video of me skating is the underflip currently.

Posted using Dapplr

 4 years ago  

Awesome dude!

I am a little but older than you! I am 28 and my name is Haris. I am Greek and I've been skateboarding for like 17 years!

If you need any help or explanations about Hive blockchain or skatehive please let me know!