Hello, HIVE Community.
Welcome to another video for my channel, after several days and several attempts I was able to achieve a Fakie bigspin heelflip that I liked 100%.
Hola, Comunidad de HIVE.
Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, despues de varios dias y varios intentos pude lograr un Fakie bigspin heelflip que me gustara 100%.
It feels great to do this trick, today I was very sure of getting it perfect and I was able to do it. So I hope you enjoy it and I hope I don't miss it.
se siente genial hacer este truco, hoy iba muy seguro de conseguirlo perfecto y pude hacerlo. Asi que espero que lo disfruten y yo espero no perderlo.
I think I can't leave it for too long without doing it, because then it's chaos to get it back. At least with having the blow I am calm.
Creo que no puedo dejar mucho tiempo sin hacerlo, porque despues es un caos volverlo a recuperar. Al menos con tener el golpe estoy tranquilo.
▶️ 3Speak
Te felicito, wao, qué bárbaro. Me gustó bastante. Gracias por compartir.
Gracias amiga Sayury este es un gran deporte ayuda mucho a superarse.
WOW.... stoked to see this
making it look good
nice song choice. i also liked seeing you hit the yellow curb on the side
Thanks brother, I was training this trick for several days until it turned out perfect.
mad respect
Good battle!
Now that's what I call perfect bro 🔥🔥🔥
Loved the lil curb session at the start too. You should do boardslide to fakie, then Fakie Bigheel on a line 👀👀👀