Hello Hive Community.
Welcome to another video for my channel, today I will show you the entire process to get a Nollie heelflip.
Hola, Comunidad de Hive.
Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, el dia de hoy les mostrare todo el proceso para poder conseguir un Nollie heelflip.
I'm not a person who does this trick a lot and not because I don't like it, it's just chaos every time I try this trick, but I'll start working seriously on unlocking it completely.
No soy una persona de hacer mucho este truco y no porque no me guste, solo que es un caos cada vez que me pongo a intentar este truco, pero empezare a trabajar seriamente en desbloquearlo por completo.
I would like to have it unlocked like the nollie kickflip but by training it day by day I will be able to achieve it, I hope you enjoy the video.
Quisiera tenerlo desbloqueado como el nollie kickflip pero entrenandolo dia a dia lo podre lograr, espero que disfruten del video.
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