Refined my Frontside Shove-its and Backside 180s on the Skate {Ing-Esp}

in SkateHivelast year (edited)


Greetings skaters and Sk8 fans.

 Saludos patinadores y aficionados al Sk8.


The sun was rising on the horizon as I went out to skate, eager to make up for lost time. With the backside 180 and frontside shove-it in mind, I headed to the park.

After several attempts, I finally managed to land the backside 180, feeling a wave of satisfaction. Although the frontside shove-it still challenged me,

I hope to play sports at least 4 times a week.
that's all.


El sol se alzaba en el horizonte cuando salí a patinar, ansioso por recuperar el tiempo perdido. Con el backside 180 y el frontside shove-it en mente, me dirigí al parque.

Después de varios intentos, finalmente logré aterrizar el backside 180, sintiendo una oleada de satisfacción. Aunque el frontside shove-it aún me desafiaba,

espero darle minimo una 4 veces al deporte en la semana.
es todo.

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Video filmed with motoX cell phone.
CreditMusic: Sympathy For The Devil.
Video edited with Capcut.
Images and banners created and edited with Canva.

Video filmado con celular motoX.
CreditMusic:Sympathy For The Devil.
Video editado con Capcut.
Imagenes y banners creados y editados con Canva.

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My social network - Mis redes sociales.

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That's it - Es todo.