WeeklyStoken [Thumbail Contest]

in SkateHivelast year

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Hola amigos de SkateHive, un saludo a todo el gremio de skaters.

Today I am pleased to participate in the weekly contest of "WeeklyStoken" this has brought a good inspiration to create, I thank you in advance for any comments either good or bad, I can modify any of them if it is to your liking and without much talk I share this week's designs for you to choose your favorite;

Hoy me complace participar en el concurso semanal de "WeeklyStoken" esto ha traído una buena inspiración a la hora de crear, les agradezco de antemano cualquier comentario ya sea bueno o malo, bien puedo modificar cualquiera de ellos si es de su gusto y sin mucho hablar les comparto los diseños de esta semana para que elijan su favorito;

Siguiendo con la temática, colores e íconos usados anteriormente solo me decidí a presentarlo actualizado para así hacer referencia al concurso de ésta semana.

Continuing with the theme, colors and icons used previously, I just decided to present it updated to refer to this week's contest.

Por otra parte los invito a ser parte de la familia de skaters #skatehive.

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Acá les explico un poco como fueron realizados;

Here I explain a little bit about how they were made;

Uso un programa llamado EPIK y otro llamado FILMORAGO, uno es editor de imágenes y el otro es un editor de video al hacer la imagen y tenerla en piezas separadas puedo luego colocar la imagen en el editor de videos, sobreponer algunas de las partes como en este caso lo fue la abeja para asi darle movimiento y cuando el vídeo esta listo simplemente lo llevo al convertidor de videos a GIF y listo.

I use a program called EPIK and another one called FILMORAGO, one is an image editor and the other is a video editor. When I make the image and have it in separate pieces I can then place the image in the video editor, superimpose some of the parts as in this case was the bee to give it movement and when the video is ready I just take it to the video to GIF converter and that's it.

Last one is just a sketch of next bombing attack. Lol...

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Very Nice Bro fantastic skate art 🤌🏽✨

The graffitti sketches are dope. I love how the hip hop culture in general and skateboard cultural are entangled

Thanks bro, hopefully going out this weekend paint few walls. ⚡⚡⚡🤛🏻

 last year  

That's a dope design brother! Don't forget to send a link of your post in the comments section of the official contest post

Also, number of weekly stoken should be 50, issu 49 was last week but that's a mistake from my part, should include those info in the contest post. Will fix it in ROUND 4 contest!

THanks a ton for participating brother!

Ok i Fix this one and drop few others colours. 🤝🏻