Crash Landing My Powder Surfer!

in SkateHive10 days ago

Hopefully this posts ok, as it's a short on YouTube, but I've been getting a lot of views on my powder surfer shorts videos. so please give it a like and comment to boost the views!

I tried many times to land this spot, but these powder surfers are really hard to land on!

 9 days ago (edited) 

its probably good you didnt land that because you would have ran into that fence lol. that being said ive had the video looping now for almost 10 minutes in the background and the music loop in it is cool haha. im not sure if the fact you cant embed youtube shorts is because youtube prevents it? 511 views is pretty decent though. i guess just keep building it up and then deploy the skatehive ads?

 6 days ago  

Yeah that's what I'm aiming for. Figure if I give it a bit more attention, I can get not only a decent following, but also I'm getting closer to being monetized. Which would just make life a lot easier to be earning double on my content.